Chapter 12

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Seokjin's POV:

Taehyung brings me to a cafe near the studio. There's a generous amount of space between tables, perhaps because its location means the cafe is frequently visited by famous people. It's also outfitted with leather sofas lending the place an air of luxury. Taehyung, "Order whatever you like."

"Thanks. Um, I will take a milk tea." I said. 

"Want some cake too?"

"No, that's okay."

"Worried about sticking to your diet? The makeover is over as of today."

"I initially changed the way I eat for the makeover plan, but now my body's used to eating this way."

"I see, because of Jungkook..." ...! I feel a twinge of pain in my heart at the mention of that name. Dang it, Taehyung. I have been trying not to think about him. Glancing over at me when I fall silent, he orders my milk tea along with a coffee for himself.

"Anyhow... You said you were at the studio for a movie magazine photoshoot?"

"Yep. I'm on the cover. It's part of the promo for my new film. You know, the photographer and crew you have been working with for your makeover shoots are acquaintances of mine."

"Oh, cool." The waiter carries out our coffee and milk tea, and Taehyung gestures for me to have some. "Thanks." Even when he takes a sip of his coffee, Taehyung's eyes remain locked on me.

"The photographer crew spoke very highly of you. They felt like you have made real, dramatic changes."

"Aw, that's so sweet of them to say."

"They also mentioned, with more than a little surprise, that Jungkook had changed." Taehyung says, breaking out into a smile. "I mean, I can't blame them for being surprised, though... You know what Kook used to be like."

"Yeah, the crew mentioned that to me too. They said he's mellowed out."

"Yep, exactly. We have you to thank for that, though."

"...?" My fingers tightens slightly around the cup in my hand. That couldn't possibly be true. I don't have that kind of influence. Jungkook may have helped me out, but I didn't do anything worth mentioning for him. "That's crazy. I couldn't have changed Jungkook."


"Jungkook is an internationally famous supermodel. And an entrepreneur to boot. He's practically perfect. It's like there's nothing that guy can't do. There's no way someone like me could change someone like that."

"And what kind of person is 'someone like you'?"

"Look, I am just a regular person..."

"For the sake of argument, let's say that's true... It's not as if you're someone who hasn't helped and encouraged his friends, right?" Taehyung. "You talk about 'perfect' people and people incapable of making a difference in the lives of others, but... For as long as I have been on this planet, I've never met a single person like either of those." Taehyung gives me a calm, yet intense look. What he says next is so shocking I can't believe my own ears. "Do you know about the woman who tricked Kook a while back?"

"Um, no...?"

"It was quite the scandal. A supermodel like Jungkook wrapped up in an affair with a married woman..."

"...!" An affair with a married woman? This is too much to process. I feel slightly numb. "...I didn't know about that."

"He started dating this chick right when he got his big break, back when he was just getting his start in the modeling world. But she was a plant, a spy sent from a rival agency to take Kook down."  

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