Exquisite Affection: Chapter 1

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Jungkook celebrates his birthday by giving him a present that celebrates the "joys of being a man." The gift reveals just how jealous he is of Jin's past loves... But late that night, his teasing seduction has Jin begging for a taste of his lips. His love is all for Jin. Can Seokjin handle it?
"I need more... So much more. Lose yourself in me."


Seokjin's POV:

It's been a few weeks since Jungkook and I started dating. Jungkook, as expressionless as ever, is staring blankly at his dinner. Jungkook, "I don't get it. This just looks like a whole tomato."

"It's a stuffed tomato. I took out the inside, filled it with meat and vegetables, and baked it." I said.

"Pfft... Okay. Let's see what this is about." Jungkook paused before saying, "Hmph. This is good." It's hard to believe he used to hate vegetables with a passion. Although a tomato isn't technically a vegetable, I am impressed to see him eat the whole thing, skin and all. "I haven't mentioned it to you yet, but I am working on an intersting project right now." Eyes lowered as he cuts his stuffed tomato into manageable pieces, Jungkook mumbles an announcement of sorts. "You remember the designer from the fashion show we walked in? I'm collaborating with him to design a line of clothes."

"That's awesome! Congratulations."

"That lecture of yours turned out to be spot on."

"My lecture...? I don't remember giving you a lecture."

"Oh, you DEFINITELY did. You really put me in my place. You said there were jobs 'that only I could do'." Oh yeah...I guess I did say that.

"I was being encouraging! That doesn't count as a lecture."

"I didn't say it was a bad lecture. Anyway, we are really trying to do away with preconceived notions of 'fashion'. We are going to continue to build on the themes in 'With my Love'."

"I can't wait to see what you guys come up with."

"It's going to be good." When Jungkook glances up at me, I notice a subtle little smile playing upon his lips. "And I have got another announcement for you too. That same designer invited me to his wedding. You're coming with me."

"Really? Great! It's going to be so much fun celebrating with him!"

"So, now that we have plans. I was thinking we should finally go shopping. I will find you something you can wear to a wedding."

"...!" Because he promised to take me shopping and pick out an outfit for me? It warms my heart to hear he remembered his promise. "...I thought you forgot about that."

"Rude. How bad do you think my memory is? Of course I remembered. I styled you for that fashion show, but that was sort of a work obligation. This time, though, it will be a date." Although his tone is indifferent as always, the kindness behind his words touches me.

"Okay, then. It's a date!"

"You don't have to yell. I'm not deaf." My life with Jungkook is quite and peaceful, but also infused with a happiness I have never experienced before.

It's a few days later, and Jungkook has brought me to a fashionable boutique to select a outfit. However, for some reason, the store is swarming with fashion industry types. "Is this a party or something?"

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