Prologue: Chapter 1

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Seokjin's POV:

Man, I will never get used to this place. It really is like a whole different world. Radiating an aura of exclusivity, the high-rise apartment building soars up into the heavens. At 58 floors, the top level is so far up into the clouds that it's not even visible. I sighed.

Hoseok, "Hey, Seokjinnie." One of this building's residents, my best friend, Jung Hoseok, greets me with a wry smile. "...You're gaping again."

"Oops... This place really is incredible, though. It's like something out of a movie." I said.

"You have got a point there. You could film a whole movie in the building. It's certainly big enough. I mean, it's got a hospital, gym, concert hall, all of that shit."

"I swear, the more I hear about this place, the more impressive it gets."

"But when you actually live here, you realize lots of the residents are just normal people like you and me."

"Are you in denial, Hoba? Your husband is a doctor. You are rich!"

"Oh, knock it off with that 'rich' talk. We are very normal. But there are honest-to-goodness millionaires living here."

"Like TV personalities and shit?"

"No, but in a way... The people I am thinking of are probably even more impressive."

"Why if it isn't Mr. Jung? Good day." A woman steps out of a luxury car parked in front of the building and speaks to Hoseok. In the blink of an eye, an elegant smile Hoseok never uses with me appears on his face.

"Mrs. Kim! Hello! You are looking lovely today, as usual."

"Thank you. I'm accompanying my husband to a company party later, so I made a special effort." The woman vanishes into the building like she didn't even notice I exist.

"Yaah, talking like that gives me the worst stiff neck."

"I will never get used to the way you transform around these people." I said.

"Well, I don't have much of a choice. This is what I am really like. It's downright exhausting trying to get along with these rich people."

"I wouldn't know." An elderly couple walks out of the apartment building, and I stop speaking. The happy-looking couple walks off in a perfect harmony, arm in arm. One day, my husband and I will grow old together. Although, that's pretty hard to imagine now, considering the way things have been going. I turned one day to discover my marriage of four years to my husband, an external sales rep for a department store, is on the verge of collapse. What's worse, I don't have a clue how we ended up this way. A part of me still believes he probably loves me, though. If only something could happen to remind him of the way he used to feel, maybe then.

"Anyway, enough about that. It's almost your birthday, right, Seokjinnie? Let's go out to lunch or something to celebrate!"

"Sure, thanks." My birthday. HE hasn't said a word about it. I bet he forgot. Following Hoseok, I walk off towards the entrance to the building.

"Jinnie... Watch out!" I suddenly realize a limousine is headed straight for me. It's going to hit me! Stunned, I fall flat on my butt and brace myself for the inevitable impact. Luckily, the limousine screeches to a halt at the last second, just inches short of hitting me. "Are you okay, Seokjin?!"


"Sorry about that. Are you hurt?"

"Uh..." A dashing man emerges from within the limousine, offering his hand to me. He's gorgeous. Or at the very least, extremely eye-catching. Could he be a celebrity? Like an actor or something? While I'm busy checking him out, a series of other men emerge from within the limo. The building residents around me immediately begin to squeal with delight.

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