His Pov: Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV:

He hasn't been following the routine I laid out for him. Seokjin is putting the dishes away after breakfast one day when, although I am across the table, it's clear even from here that something is different. Is he trying to undo all his hard work?

"10 more laps!" I roared.

Seokjin, "Okay!"

"Your legs are bending. Point your toes and keep those kicks strong."

"Okay... I am on it!"

I thought he was more determined than this. Approaching Seokjin, I pinch his cheek. Seokjin, "!" That definitely got his attention, "Ow! What are you doing?!"

"You didn't wash your face properly. I can tell." I said.

"Seriously...?" He had better get it together in time for the next photoshoot.

"You have been slacking off too much lately. I expected more."

"...!" When he doesn't argue with me, I know I must be right. People usually have no idea how much dedication it takes to maintain a certain look. What's with this guy? Change comes from within. But if he doesn't care about this, he's never going to change. I feel stupid for getting my hopes up enough to feel disappointed.

One day when I get home from work, Seokjin is making something in the kitchen. I can see a pile of vegetables on the cutting board. He's going to use all of those vegetables? Just for dinner? Every available burner on the stove is topped with a pot or a pan. Seokjin, "I will put in all the celery leafs, and... Hmm... I think I need some more salt and pepper." He tastes a dish, seasons it, and moves on to the next pot. "Okay, perfect. Now I'll just let it simmer for 10 more minutes." He's going to mess up his diet, taste testing all that shit. For a moment, I am almost annoyed, but then, looking at all the pots and pans, a realization dawns on me. Wait. Is he doing this because I hate vegetables? Is that why he hasn't been as focused on the regimen I laid out for him? Is he going through all this trouble just to come up with vegetable recipes I would eat?

"Why would he bother?" I say, mumbling my thoughts aloud without meaning to. He never mentioned a word about any of this, not even when I accused him of slacking off. Why would he go to such pains for me in the first place? In that moment, I feel both touched by his effort and ashamed of myself for judging him.

One day, after a successful photoshoot for the makeover. I bring Seokjin to a bar I regularly visit. I have brought him here both to reward him for his hard work. As well as to apologize and thank him. I may not have known what was going on. But I was wrong to jump to conclusions and attack Seokjin when he was trying to do something nice for me. "I owe you an apology." I stated.

Seokjin, "...Since when do you apologize for anything?" Without turning to look at him, I take another sip of my drink.

"I know I got on your case for slacking off earlier, but you only lost focus because you were thinking of recipes for me, right?"

"Oh..." Do people this gracious really exist? It would be so easy for him to blame me and say, Yep, it's all your fault. But, instead, he tells me, I only did it because I wanted to. This goes beyond positivity. It's like he conceives of the world in a completely different way from me. I thought the same thing on the way back from Paris. I wish I could write him off. But I feel a little corner of my heart warmed by his words. "...What made you become a model, Jungkook?"

"I charge for interviews. Can you afford to pay?" Tonight, the whiskey has a pleasant, mellowing effect on me.

"Of course not... Forget I said anything."

"I'm kidding." I am telling him my life story before I know it. "After that day, I started visiting Hyunggu's shop regularly. I grew to understand the appeal of clothes and love his way of life. It was Hyunggu who taught me clothes could make you look better and that the way you live shows in the way you look."

"..." Why am I telling him all of this? However, even as I question my motives, I can't deny that the way he looks into my eyes, listening to my story makes me want to tell him more.

"Then next thing I knew, all I wanted was to be stylish and confident like Hyunggu. And I wanted to become a person who could help other people feel confident, too..."

"Wow..." I feel like I could talk all night. About my life before getting into modeling, about my life afterwards. Why do I feel so good right now? ...Is it the booze? Nah, I have never felt this way drinking with Namjoon hyung and the others. He's the only one who's ever made me feel this emotion I can't name. It's an odd feeling, both familiar and foreign to me at once. Maybe I am just drunk, after all. Then again. What if I feel this way because I'm with Seokjin? Tonight, my usual whiskey tastes especially smooth and delicious.


Seokjin, "! Jungkook...?"

"..." All of a sudden, I am at home in bed. Seokjin's eyes are wide. Although my mind is hazy, I know he's staring at me. You never gave up. You fought the whole way through the end. I don't know if it's your determination. But I can't keep my eyes off you. It's like you get more beautiful with every passing day. Thoughts like those float through my inebriated mind like clouds. Until a certain urge takes hold of me. God, you really are gorgeous. Bright eyes. Soft looking lips. The sight of him in my bed, hair loose and disheveled...inspires a primal reaction in me.

"Look... I am trying to get you water, but you're making it really difficult..."

"..." Who cares about water? ...I'd much rather have you. Even before that thought is fully formed in my mind, my lips are on his. The instant I feel the heat of his velvet lips on mine, my body yearns for more.

"J-Jung... M-mmph!" I want you so bad. Seokjin's mouth opens against mine, and I seize the opportunity to deepen the kiss. God, you drive me crazy. It's like I can't help myself. What am I going to do? My logical mind isn't in control right now, but that must be the whiskey's fault. "Jungkook..." I don't want this to end. "...!" An undeniable craving for Seokjin grips me. Stroking his cheek, I steal another kiss. His lips feel impossibly soft and smooth on mine. And as our kiss intensifies, I taste more of his sweetness. "Mn...mnph!"

"..." Please. Don't ever let this end. It's been so long since I felt something this warm and soft. Aware of a quite happiness that wasn't there before, I claim his lips once more.


[A/N: Thank You So Much For Readin' Y'all~ U c, there could be mistakes & errors & shit cause lol I didn't check but pls ignore stuff. Next chapter gonna be the core of JK's feelings ;)
Luv everyone 😘]

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