Prologue: Chapter 3

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Seokjin's POV:

Yoongi, "What's going on? Where did you get that outfit?"

"...Namjoon and the others put it together for me." I said.

"I see..."

Woman, "...Is this your husband?"

"Sorry, but do you think you could give us some privacy?" I stated. The woman reluctantly walks away.

Yoongi, "I didn't think you would be here..."

"I invited you to a party this weekend, didn't I? But you turned me down."

"Ohh, that party?"

"Yoongi..." I don't want to ask this question, but I have got to get the truth out in the open. Taking a deep breath, I steady my trembling body. "Are you involved with that woman, Yoongi?"

"...Yes." My husband's indifferent admission of truth leaves me stunned and furious at once.

"But I trusted you..."

"I'll be blunt... I think you are a husband."

"'As a husband'...?" What does that mean? That I'm not perfect as a man? As a romantic partner?

"Is there really a problem here? In what concrete way has your life been affected? You're still married. You can still do your beloved cooking and cleaning."

"The that you are with another pe-"

"Do you have any proof?" His icy words cut me off mid sentence. "You won't be able to do a thing without proof."

"...!" This guy only has me around because he thinks he can use me. I have always believed everything Yoongi told me, but it was all a bunch of lies. And on top of that, he's even cheating on me. The day I met my husband, the day we got married. All of the memories we have made together run through my mind. Those few minutes as Cinderella made me realize something. My husband hasn't cared for me. He hasn't loved me. "...I can't go on with you."

"And what precisely do you mean by that?"

"..." In our married life together, I have hardly ever gone against Yoongi. I trusted in my reliable husband and quietly let him lead the way. But not anymore. I am going to tell him exactly how I feel. I don't want to be with him anymore. "...We are getting a divorce."


"You've made it impossible for me to trust you... I don't think I can love you."

"Do you seriously think you can make it on your own? You can't do anything without me. It's always been that way." He lied to me. He cheated on me. And now this attitude? I don't want to rely on this man anymore. "Just so you're aware, without proof that I've cheated on you, I am under no obligation to pay you alimony. If you're going to take back your previous remarks, now's your chance."

"...Go to hell." The deep voice that comes out of my throat surprises even me.


"I don't need alimony. I can live my life just fine on my own."

"Think about what you are saying. All on your own...?"

"Goodbye. Don't you ever show your face around me again."

"! Hey, wait..." Walking away from Yoongi, I leave the balcony.

Taehyung, "Well said."

Jimin, "Who would cheat on a man this beautiful? That guy didn't deserve you..." Observing the scene from a corner of the balcony, the so-called Paradiso residents, turn their backs on Yoongi. The face Yoongi made in those last moments, that thwarted, frustrated expression has been burned into my memory. I can't get it out of my head.

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