His Pov: Chapter 1

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How did he feel the night he stole a kiss? What emotions awakened in him when he wiped away Seokjin's tears? What was his conviction on the runway? Discover their love story from his point of view. A mini-epilogue that reveals what he felt the morning after their first night together.

"Every morning is special when I can wake up with you."


Jungkook's POV:

One day, I walk into a conference room for a meeting with some magazine editors. The second I arrive, I am handed a document. Editor, "I know we're hitting you with this out of nowhere, but we have an idea for a new feature... The tagline would be... 'International supermodel, Jeon Jungkook, wants to give YOU the makeover of a lifetime'! It would be a multi-part series in which we follow a real man's journey to completely transform himself and his life."

"...?" A real man's journey to transform himself and his life? What does that even mean? Raising my eyes from the paperwork, I take a look around at the editors. Although I suspected a new guy could be responsible for this, I find I regularly work with everyone present. "Sorry, but I don't think I'm really grasping the concept." I stated.

"Let me explain. The series would focus on the benefits of self care, inside and out. We'd want to find a worthy subject, someone who spends so much time taking care of others that he sometimes forgets to focus on himself. It would be a celebration of living life to the fullest."


"You would definitely be in charge of beauty and style advice. But we were hoping you could oversee the entire project."

"Oversee the entire project..." That sounds like a LOT of work.

"The editorial department is conducting its own search as well, but if you have any good candidates in mind, feel free to introduce them. It would really save us a lot of work." Do I know anyone who needs a total life makeover...? I consider the people I've met while helping Jimin hyung with his business, but I can't think of anyone. None of the people I know, whether they make their living based on their looks or not, are so focused on others that they forget to care for themselves. Where would I even find a man who's in the market for a total life overhaul? Is there an app for that? "We feel like a lot of people out there would really be able to identify with this series." And would some rando even be capable of that kind of dramatic change? Real change is no joke. No matter who it is, it requires a lot of hard work. Even for me. "With your help, we can make this a hit for sure, Jungkook! You've got to say yes!"

"Yeah, okay..." I gaze blankly at the plan outline, unable to summon up even an ounce of enthusiasm.

It's been a few days since my meeting with the magazine. I find myself at Namjoon's birthday party, styling the hair of a real life desperate house husband. Not only did he catch his douche of a husband cheating on him, the guy was savage enough to pretend not to even know him. How unlucky can one guy get? Sitting in front of the dresser, the man's face is drained of any feeling or expression. He must be numb after the ugliness he just witnessed. "Close your eyes." I said.

Seokjin, "...?"

"Now." Normal makeup won't cut it tonight, not with the fabulous outfit Namjoon hyung gave him. We're at a party. It's time to go straight-up glam. I will do a gold shadow on his lid. And blend it out into a smoky cat eye with this darker shade. It doesn't take much to transform his vibe entirely. "Open your eyes."

"Okay......!" Transfixed, the man stares at his own reflection. He probably hasn't seen himself this done up since his wedding.

Upon returning to the party, the jilted husband confronts his cheating husband. Seokjin, "...We are getting a divorce."

Yoongi, "...!"

"You have made it impossible for me to trust you... I'm done." Well, will you look at that. It seems like changing his appearance gave him a little confidence boost. Looking at him now, dignified and righteous, it's hard to believe he was depressed and despondent just moments ago. "I don't need alimony. I can live my life just fine on my own."

"Think about what you are saying. All on your own...?" People really can change a lot in a short period of time. Of course they can. I mean, I did. Watching the man, I can't help but see my younger self in him.

I was so insecure as a kid. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I hated myself. But, one day Hyunggu, the owner of a clothing store in my neighborhood, stopped me on my way home. I walked into his store, and he started handing me items of clothing to put on. A jacket, pants, shoes, a hat. He gave me a whole new outfit. "!" Is that...me...? After changing into my new clothes, it took me a minute to recognize myself in the mirror. But my eyes didn't lie, the boy in the mirror was me. "This is unbelievable..." I mumbled.

Hyunggu, "You were 'you' before, and you are still 'you' now, but... Which 'you' makes you feel more confident?"

"This one..." That was the moment my world changed. I feel like I saw myself smile for the first time in ages. Ever since that day, I've been less insecure and more confident. And it was that experience that inspired me to get into this line of work.

A few days later...

Who falls into a pool when they can't swim? What is this, a sitcom? He nearly drowned. I lay the unconscious man down on the sofa, quietly blow-drying his hair. Although I'm not particularly interested in him, I take special care with his hair. "...Another knot." I said. Split ends, dry, damaged hair. What has he been doing to his hair to mess it up this badly? When I find a knot, I use my fingers to gently untangle it. Once untangled, it's easy to glide my fingers through his hair. His hair would be fine if he just took care of it. All traces of the dignified, righteously angry man I saw at the party are gone. The guy sleeping before me seems worn out, like his luster has been stolen. Is this what the divorce did to him? Or has he always been this way? Is that way his husband cheated on him? Yah, too real. What a depressing thought. "Real..." The magazine editor's words run through my mind. 'A real man's journey to completely transform himself and his life'. His cheating ex had the nerve to call the other woman his girlfriend in public. That condescending prick even told him, 'I think you are perfect...as a husband'. I guess he was insinuating he stopped being attracted to him at some point...? I look down at the man. Without any defining features to make him stand out, he could be anyone. He looks just like many of the people I pass on the street every day. Well, if I'm going to have to do that special feature, this guy would probably make an ideal subject. He's genuinely in need of a big change. Just like I was when I was a kid. Remembering how badly I wanted to be different, I can't help but see my old self in this man.

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