Chapter 3

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Seokjin's POV:

Hoseok, "Hey, come on in!"

"Hi!" I shouted. A few days later, I head over to Hoseok's place after work to hang out. "Is this picture new? Didn't you have something else hanging here before?"

"Yep. My husband got it on his last trip to America. He said he fell in love with the second he saw it in the gallery. Apparently it was like $5,000. Isn't that nuts?"

"Five... THOUSAND...?" That's a whole month's salary for me.

"Plop down on the couch or whatever. I will go make us some tea."

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Just as I'm about to sit down on the couch, I notice a picture on a shelf. It's a photo of Hoseok and his husband, smiling and happy. It's been literally years since the last time Yoongi and I laughed together or touched each other like that.

"Tea's ready! You have got to try these cookies! I've been obsessed with them lately."

"They look great."

"I got them from a neighbor, but... The person who sells them doesn't accept new customers. You can't buy them unless one of the existing customers introduces you."

"Typical rich people nonsense."

"I know, right! You'd Better get used to it, though. You live in Paradiso with the rich and famous now."

"But I am not rich or famous. I am just the housekeeper."

"I am still jealous, though." Hoseok pours the tea, serving it in a tea set by a famous ceramics designer. "Well, let's eat."

"You don't have to tell me twice! This really is good... You can tell it's made with quality ingredients."

"Right?" Hoseok and I are chatting over tea and fancy cookies when he suddenly gives me a look. "You seem like you're doing really well. I am so happy for you. I was really worried about you after the way things went down with your ex."


"...Have you been in touch with Yoongi?"

"No. I don't have any reason to contact him. It's not like I want to tell him anything or ask him about anything."

"I guess... But it seems weird to me that Yoongi would be like, 'Peace out, see ya!' immediately after the divorce... Like, obviously things are over between you two, but you guys were very close for YEARS..."

"True, but Yoongi has someone else in his life now..." There's a twinge of pain in my chest as I remember the happy way they walked hand in hand. "Yoongi doesn't want to be tied to someone like me for forever."

"Seokjinnie." Hoseok places his hand on mine in my lap. Evidently, I've been gripping my pants without even realizing. "Cut it out with this, 'someone like me' shit. You. Are. Amazing. And I know that for a fact, Seokjinnie."


"You don't lie to people or hurt them or insult them. Whenever you do anything, you are always considerate of the people around you. You are a kind, good, giving person who helps others when they are in trouble. I love you, Jinnie."

"Thanks, Hoba..." I can feel my eyes burning with tears. Thank God for best friends. I'm so lucky to have Hoseok. "I am okay now. You made me feel a lot better." A smile spreads across my face, and Hoseok gives my hand a squeeze.

"I have always got your back, Seokjinnie."

"I know, Hoba. Thanks."

"Besides, I know there's someone much better than Yoongi out there for you."

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