His Pov: Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV:

I can't shake the feeling I had the weirdest dream last night. Why can't I remember what it was about? Whatever I dreamt about, it was intense. I remember wanting something with every fiber of my being. But there was something soft and comforting about the dream, too. Nothing but those vague sensations remain. What are these feelings? Whenever I try to remember the dream. A dull pain shoots through my head. Ow. Did I really drink that much last night? This headache is killing whatever appetite I might have had. Less than enthusiastic for breakfast, I take a bite of the clam chowder Seokjin made. "..." What IS this shit? It tastes amazing. "..." In addition to making me feel better physically. The soup gives me an emotional, warm and fuzzy feeling as well. Is that because the soup is warm? Or is it the hangover making me feel overheated? The soup is delicious. But there's something more to the way I am feeling. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that is. Did he say this bread was made with spinach? The green color makes it look pretty gross. But I tear off a small piece and put it in my mouth. Hmm. I don't really taste the spinach at all. Pfft. I guess this is one way to get your daily serving of vegetables. It's actually pretty clever. Vegetables and I have never gotten along, to say the least, but Jin has found a number of surprisingly ingenious ways to make them taste better. I am once again reminded of the things he said to me on the plane ride home from Paris. He really does have a mysterious talent for making negatives into positives. He's pretty run of the mill otherwise, though. I lift my aching head and look at Seokjin. "You could hurry and eat quickly too, you know. You don't have time to waste today." I stated.

Seokjin, "Oh, yeah, you're right."

"I am going to give you a makeup lesson once you are done cleaning the pool."

"Okay, sounds good." As I eat another spoonful of chowder, a thought pops into my mind. Hangover or not, I could eat this whole thing.

I head up to Pandora and find the guys there drinking. Jimin, "Hey, JK."

Taehyung, "Fancy seeing you here! You get a day off for once?"

"I had a meeting, but it got cancelled, so I am back early." I stated.

Namjoon, "Feel like drinking with us?"

"Sure." Picking up some whiskey and a glass, Jimin hyung brings them over to me.

Jimin, "Whiskey on the rocks good?"

"Hmm..." I probably shouldn't be drinking on top of this hangover. "Actually, never mind. I am good." Declining the drink Jimin hyung offers, I grab some sparkling water instead.

"You never turn down a drink. Is something going on?"

"I've still got last night's whiskey in my system."

Namjoon, "I bet. I saw you needed a little help getting home last night."

"...You did?" Guess he helped me. I only remember half of what happened. There are more holes in my memory than actual memories.

Taehyung, "You don't remember...?"

Jimin, "..."

Jungkook, "Why are you guys looking at me that way? If you want to say something, be my guest." Ignoring their knowing smirks, I look down at the table. There, I find a selection of dips and vegetables. "What's this?"

"Some fancy organic vegetables a client sent over."

"Pfft." I don't even know the names of half of these. Still, I pick one at random, dip it in a sauce, and eat it.

"?!" Hmm. That's not half bad. I wonder what this one tastes like? I pick up another vegetable and dip it in another sauce.

Namjoon, "...!" This would probably go better with the first sauce. Anyway.

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