Chapter 9

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Seokjin's POV:

Taking me by the arm, Jungkook gently pulls me with him. Sitting me down on the sofa, he offers me a nearby box of tissues. Jungkook, "You can wipe your tears if you want."

"...Thank you." I stated. However, even as I dry my tear-swollen eyes, I can feel myself about to start cry again. Stop. Please stop. Yoongi's hateful, resentful eyes. And the heartless things he said, tearing all my confidence and hard work to pieces. I still can't get those barbs out of my heart. "I am...sorry..." When I choke out those words between sobs, Jungkook turns to look out the window at the view of the city at night.

"How about you just cry until you're done, you know? It's not like you can cry and talk at once anyway." The room is silent, devoid of sounds from the TV or the city below. Wrapped in the quiet, my sadness dissipates like the last vanishing bits of flame in a dying fire. "..." Jungkook simply stares out the window without saying a word. It's not like he cares about me anyway. In fact, I bet he hates dealing with crying people in general. Still though, he told me I could cry all I wanted. I can't cry forever, though. There's no removing the barbs from those words, of course. However, my tears seem to have a purifying effect, It's not long before that pain has dulled somewhat.

''I am okay now...''

''...'' Turning back to me, Jungkook rests his chin on the back of the sofa and quietly asks. "What happened?"

"...I saw my ex-husband." The simple act of thinking of what happened and saying those words is enough to inspire acute pain. Still, I remain as calm as possible, relating the facts of what happened to Jungkook. "I happened to run into him on the street just now. We may be divorced, but we should still be able to say hello and discuss what's going on in our lives. I did my best to remain civil. It was no use, though."


"The first thing he did was mock me for participating in your makeover plan... He called me a desperate fame bitch, and said I'm too old to disgrace myself as I did."


"And I explained that, thanks to your makeover plan, I am starting to change and grow. I told him I had found a way to feel more confident, but he couldn't have cared less... This is a man I once loved, a man I married... That's over now, but I was hoping he would at least be a tiny bit supportive." Although I flash Jungkook a wry, self-deprecating smile, his expression never changes. "I told him about how hard I worked for that photoshoot, but... He insisted, 'as far as I can see, you haven't changed a bit'."

"And what did you tell him then?"

"I said change comes from within, and that people who decide to change can change."

"Hmph.... And?"

"But he was like... 'The world will spin backwards on its axis before you change or grow'."


"Then, at the end, he said, 'divorcing you was the best decision I ever made'. He looked at me like I was repulsive to him and walked off." I try to force some paltry, dry laughter from my throat to keep myself from remembering how badly those words stung. But the second my laughter subsides, my sadness returns and, once again, I feel utterly, completely alone. Stop it, Jin. Don't start crying again. I take a deep breath and slap a carefully constructed smile on my face. "I guess I am the only one who thought I had changed. I am still the same unlovable man who got cheated on by his husband."



"..." Although his quite gaze seems to see right through my bravado and forced smile, his eyes never leave mine. Unsure of how to respond to the intensity of his gaze, I look away. "They say people who lack confidence can't maintain eye contact. Is that true for you?"

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