Chapter 7

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Seokjin's POV:

The day of the big photoshoot has finally arrived. Jungkook, "Let me get a look at you."

"Okay..." I stated. Dressed in workout clothes, I stand before Jungkook, doing my best to appear strong and tall. He takes out his phone and snaps pictures from a few different angles. Well? Does this qualify as a physical transformation...?

"Good. This will work."

"!" He says, flipping through his phone to compare today's photos with ones taken weeks ago. I did it! I knew I could do it! I knew I was strong enough to change myself.

"The way you carry yourself has definitely changed. When we take your measurements, the numbers should show a difference. Now sit down."

"Okay." He gestures to a chair and I take a seat. My heart is racing, and I am still riding an emotional high.

"I'm going to check your skin. I will be able to tell at a glance if you have been washing your face properly and following the beauty regimen I gave you." Jungkook holds up a small machine.

"A skin-scope... I have never used one of those before."

"I feel like your skin is approaching a visibly tolerable level."

"Approaching tolerable...?"

"Yeah. Before, your skin basically needed a viewer discretion advised warning."

"...Like how your personality should be categorized as a biohazard?" I never said my skin was perfect. There's no reason for him to be so rude. Although I try to smile, I end up grimacing as he presses the skin-scope to my face again and again. "!" This is the part I have been dreading the most. I am scared to hear the results. Purposely looking away from the monitor, I let my gaze wander around the room.

"Hmm... Better. Looks like your skin changed too."

"?!" My eyes dart to the monitor. He's right. That wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Your skin's cleared up, and your pores are less visible. Your moisture and oil balances aren't bad either." That means. "You passed. See what can happen when you try?"

"!!" The string of positive results fills me with positive energy. I did it. This is what happens when I don't give up.

And so, the photoshoot begins. Photographer, "I love that expression, Seokjin! You look so alive! And your poses are so natural. You are miles ahead of where you were last time."

Photoshoot Crew, "You look stunning!"

"Thank you." I stated as I'm having a lot more fun this time around too. That's probably because I feel more confident. Before, I didn't know how to pose or what to do with my face unless the photographer told me. Today, however, the shutter snaps every time I pose.

Photographer, "Your body and skin have changed, but the biggest difference is your confidence."

Photoshoot Crew, "You really do have the vibe of a cover guy."

"Thanks." I stated. They could just be saying these things to put me in a good mood. However, at least for today, I decide to stop second guessing and accept the compliments as genuine.

Crew Member 1, "Hi, Mr. Jeon!"

Jungkook, "Hey!" Jungkook walks in after finishing up another photoshoot in a different room. Arms crossed, he stands beside the photographer and watches the shoot.

Photographer, "YES! Beautiful, Seokjin! That smile is everything!"


"Could you stay like that but look at me?"

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