Chapter 5

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Seokjin's POV:

My gaze rises slowly, following the lines of the iconic Eiffel Tower as it just up into the sky. He DID tell me we would be going, Someplace where we can work on your sense of style. "I didn't think you were talking about Paris when you said we were 'going out'. " I stated.

Jungkook, "There's no reason to act so surprised."

"Are you crazy? Of course I'm surprised. Some people dream of visiting Paris their whole lives and never make it here."

"Whatever, just come with me." He cuts our conversation short, clearly disinterested. I really don't get the way Jungkook thinks. He was so casual about bringing me to Paris that he might as well have been bringing me to a movie. Gorgeous stone buildings, beautiful, tree-lined streets, fashionable people everywhere I look. I am really here. I am really in Paris. After more than ten hours on Jungkook's private jet, the atmosphere in this city, something I'd thus far only experienced through magazines and TV, has me in a jubilant mood.

Jungkook and I walk into a cafe and sit down outside at a table facing the street. "This feels so quintessentially Parisian." There's a gentleman reading a newspaper, some university students embroiled in a passionate discussion, a couple snuggled up close. Everything I lay my eyes on feels absolutely fresh and new.

"This is no time to be sightseeing. How good is your eye? Can you tell who's wearing flattering clothes and who's not?"

"Erm...?" Jungkook turns his eyes to the street, and I follow his gaze.

"That plaid shirt isn't working for that man over there. But that yellow skirt IS working for the woman walking the dog."


"The guy with the red scarf looks good, but the woman in the black dress does not. The trench coat lady looks good, but the woman in the blue jacket next to her does not."


"The man in the white pants looks good. And so does the woman in the striped sweater." I kind of see what he means but kind of don't.

"So... What makes an outfit flattering to you?" Jungkook calmly looks over at me.

"It's not about what you're wearing. It's about whether or not you feel comfortable in your clothes. Confidence is the deciding factor."


"First, though, you have to know what looks good on you. If you just follow trends, you will look like the clothes are wearing you, and that's never cute. It's one thing to wear clothes and another thing entirely to wear them well." Sipping the coffee, Jungkook's eyes turn back to the street. He's judging people's fashion choices, but not superficially. He's looking below the surface. "..." Those light eyes of his seem to have the power to see through anything and anyone. In those eyes, I feel like I catch glimpses of something resembling an abyss, a depth that lets him see beyond the surface of people.

I know this place. After the cafe, Jungkook brings me to a world famous designer's store. Gentlemen in perfectly tailored suits stand on either side of the large door. "Welcome, Monsieur Jeon." One doorman says, speaking in French as he respectfully opens the door.


Waiter, "Bonjour, Monsieur."

Jungkook, "Bonjour."

"Bonjour, Monsieur." Guess that's me. Good thing I took French as my second foreign language in college! This will be my first time using it in a real life situation, though.

"Bonjour!" I exclaimed. We are shown into the VIP room. The store's fashionable interior resembles a hotel lobby, albeit one filled with racks of bespoke clothing and accessories. I have never been in a French designer store before, much less a VIP room. I guess this is normal for Jungkook, though.

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