It was the twins first Christmas and they were going to be able to get a traditional Weasley Christmas. Not that they'd remember it but I would.

"This dinner is delicious Molly," I said.

"Thank you. I want Christmas to be as normal as possible," Molly said.

I smiled at her.

"Well I'd say it pretty perfect, dear," Arthur said placing his hand on top of Molly's.

She gave him a warm smile. I loved seeing them together. They had been through so much together over the years and they had somehow managed to get through it together.

"Yeah mum, it's really nice," George added.

We all continued to eat talking about happy memories from past Christmas's. We all had so many together, it was really nice reliving them.

"Well, we all better head off to bed. Early morning tomorrow to open presents," Molly said.

"Mum. We're not kids anymore, we don't have to wake up that early," Ginny said.

"Nonsense, Ginny. It's Christmas. Now off to bed," Molly said.

I chuckled as we all made our way upstairs.

"Why don't you two put the twins to bed and then come over to my room," Ginny said, "I'm not the least bit tired and I haven't seen you guys in months."

"Alright, Gin. We'll be right over," I said.

Fred and I put the twins to sleep fairly quickly. They never have been hard to put to sleep. Believe me, I was very thankful for that.

We walked over to Ginny's room seeing her and George sitting on her bed. Fred and I walked over siting next to each other on Ginny's bed.

"Do your remember that time Ron fell off his broom and almost broke his arm because he saw that spider on it," Ginny said laughing.

"I'll never forget his face," George said laughing even harder.

We had all been in Ginny's room for several hour at this point. We were all just talking about fun times that had happened when we were younger.

Our laughter died down and we all sat quietly.

"I hope they're alright," Ginny whispered.

I hopped they were too. It was weird not having them with us this year.

"I'm sure they're fine," George said.

"I know. It's just frustrating that we haven't heard anything. No news since they were spotted at the Ministry. Even then that was barley news," Ginny said.

"Just think. No news is good news. That means they're still out there, they haven't been caught," Fred said.

"Fred's right Ginny. No news is good news," I said.

"I know. I just can't help but worry," Ginny said.

I looked over at her. I knew she was hurting. Not only was her brother out there but the love of her life as well.

"We better get some rest," Ginny said.

"Yeah. We're going to have an early morning tomorrow," I said.


I woke up to one of the twins crying. I opened my eyes to see Fred laying with his eyes closed next to me. I got out of bed walking over and picking up Marcie who was crying.

I changed her diaper quickly before walking down stairs to feed her. Even though I was breastfeeding the twins they still ate out of a bottle a lot of the time. I wanted other to be able to feed them and I didn't want them attacked to me all of the time.

I got her bottle ready and sat in the living room to feed her. The sun was already coming up. I looked out the window seeing the beautiful sunrise in front of me.

"It's it beautiful," someone said behind me.

I turned around to see Molly standing behind me.

"It is," I said turning back around as she came to sit by me.

"I use to sit here a lot when all the kid were young when I fed them," Molly said.

"You did?" I said looking over at her.

"Yes. It was about the only peace I had during the day," Molly said laughing.

I laughed along side her knowing she was right. With 7 kids in the house she didn't get much alone time.

The rest of the house soon woke so that we were able to open presents. The twins got their first ever Weasley sweaters and I almost started crying when I opened them.

"They're perfect, Molly," I said looking at them.

"Well I figured they needed to match the whole family," Moly said.

"Ginny, will you take a photo of the four of us," I said handing her my camera.

Fred was holding Marcie while I held Marnie. We both smiled and Ginny snapped the photo. She handed it to me so that I could see it.

"It's perfect. Our little family," I said smiling.

I handed Marnie to Ginny so that I could head upstairs. I pulled out the scarp book that Ginny had gifted me the night before the wedding.

I opened it up to the next empty page placing the photo inside. There weren't too many photos in the scrapbook, but all the important ones were there.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now