"Mallorie," the nurse said from the door.

Fred and I got up and walked back to the room with her. I laid down on the table and the nurse pulled up the diagnostics to make sure the babies and I were healthy.

"Everything looks great. You and the babies are healthy. I'm gonna go grab the doctor and she'll be able to tell you the gender," the nurse said.

She walked out of the room leaving Fred and I alone.

"Are you ready to find out?" Fred asked squeezing my hand.

"Yes and no," I said giggling.

"Good morning," my doctor said walking in the room.

"Good morning," I said.

"How have you been feeling?" she asked.

"I have been alright. My back is starting to hurt more every day," I said.

"That is not surprising. The babies are both a healthy weight and they are going to keep getting bigger," Dr. Smith said.

"I feel like I can already tell they're going to be big babies," I said.

"Are you ready to see the gender of the babies?" she asked.

Fred and I both nodded our heads. I squeezed his hand because I was nervous. The doctor pulled up the ultrasound and she was looking at it. It was in view to Fred and I because we wouldn't know what to look for to see what the gender was.

"Alright this is baby A," the doctor said pointing to one of the babies on the ultrasound.

She pointed out the different feature of the baby like its head, feet, and nose.

"Baby A is a girl," she said.

Happiness overtook me as I looked over at Fred. He had a huge smile on his face.

"This is baby B," she said pointing out the other baby that was growing inside of me.

I was so excited to find out the gender of the other baby knowing that the first on was a girl. I'm honestly surprised it's a girl with how many boys are in Fred's family.

"Baby B is a girl also," Dr. Smith said.

Tears started to brim my eyes as I looked over at Fred. I can't believe that both babies are girls. I could tell that Fred was also shocked at the fact that both babies were girls.

"They're both girls?" Fred said looking at the doctor.

"Yes, congratulations," the doctor said.

"You are both free to go. We will see you at the next appointment," she said.

The nurse and the doctor both left Fred and I alone in the room.

"I can't believe it," I said sitting up on the table.

I looked over at Fred who still had a shocked look on his face.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

Fred looked up at my before engulfing me in a hug.

"We're going to have two daughters," Fred said.

"I know," I said hugging him back.

"Let's go out to lunch and celebrate," Fred said.

Fred and I left the hospital and found a cute little diner down the road. The diner was quaint and there were not very many people inside.

"What can I get you?" the waitress said coming to the booth Fred and I were sitting in.

"We'll each get a burger," Fred said ordering for us.

"I'll have that right out," she said.

"Burgers? It's like 10 in the morning," I said.

"Early lunch," Fred said shrugging his shoulders.

I laughed at his reaction.

"So, what do you think about having two girls?" I asked.

"I think we are going to be in trouble," Fred said laughing.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they are going to be Weasley twins, the girl versions," Fred said looking at me.

I thought back to all of the trouble Fred and George got in during their lives. And now they were going to be sweet little girls.

"We are in trouble," I said causing Fred to laugh.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now