A Deal With The Devil

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It had been a long few days. Autumn felt as if her body was on auto pilot. She was still getting up, eating, tending to her wound, and so forth. But it wasn't really her. It was almost as if someone else had possessed her body, and if she really thought about it, she had little memory of what had happened in those days.

It was after breakfast when she felt like herself for the first time again. She'd seen Minho's notebook- it was poking out from underneath their bed.

Until this point, she'd been willing to accept her fate. Accept that she wouldn't be put into the same maze as any of her boys. Accept that she'd never see Minho again.

But seeing that book reminded her of everything. How Newt used to hug her from behind, and then tickle her until she surrendered. How her and Frypan would make their tomato sandwiches together, every lunch time. How Gally would only spare her his genuine smiles.

But, Minho. Oh, Minho. How he would treat her with such kindness, but play fight with her when she got a bit too cocky. How he would slowly wake her up each morning, by pressing gentle kisses to her cheeks. How he would act all strong and protective, but melt in her arms the next minute.

She decided she couldn't let them win. She couldn't give WCKD the satisfaction of knowing they'd beaten them.

Without a second thought she ran out the door. She had no idea where she was going to find him. But she knew she'd search every room in that damned building before she gave up.

It didn't take her all that long to find him. She thanked her lucky stars he was alone in that lab. So, checking around to make sure no one was watching, she threw open the doors.

"Autumn?" She held back a wince at the sound of his voice.

"Thomas." He looked no different. He hadn't changed since they were all sat in those rooms together, a few weeks ago.

"What-what are you doing here?" His voice certainly hadn't changed either, it was the same voice who'd interrogated them before torturing them all.

"I need your help." She was sure her eyes were bloodshot, and the bags underneath them darker than before. But she didn't let that rain on her confidence. She looked him dead in the eye, hands on her hips.

"I can't help you, Autumn. You know I can't." She merely scoffed, stepping closer to him.

"You help me, and I'll forgive you. I'll forgive you for everything." Her words shocked both him, and her.

He stood abruptly, almost jittery, his chair clattering to the ground. "Autumn, you know I would, but there isn't much I have control over."

"Open up your computer." He did as she said instantly. "You have records of which maze everyone is being put into, correct?"

"Yes, yes I do." She sighed in relief, knuckles clenching the table hard as the pictures of her friends came up on the screen.

"Ok, so they're all in Maze A." Thomas nodded quickly. "Where are they putting me?"

Thomas scrolled a second longer before coming to her name.

Subject: Autumn
Subject Number: B2
Maze: B

"Fuck-" Autumn swore, before Thomas interrupted her. "I'm sorry, I really am. I can't change it."

"It's fine, I knew it was coming." She waved his sympathy away. "But I have a plan."

She pulled up a chair next to him, before starting.

"I don't know if this will work, but it's the best I've got. When it's my turn to be sent up into the maze, I need you to switch me." Thomas' hands fidgeted with his jumper, as he tried to listen.

"Hold on, how am I supposed to that?" Autumn sighed, before rubbing her eye. It was going to be a long day.

"Listen, I need you to switch me with someone who's supposed to be going into Maze A-"


"Yes, I know. Which is why you have to do it after they scan me in, okay? What's the procedure like, Thomas?"

Thomas awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Well they'll inject you with this liquid that knocks you out for a while, long enough to wipe your memories, and implant your tracker. Your tracker is what gets scanned, it includes your information, like your name and which maze your going into.

You then get scanned, and wheeled through to a certain room, depending on which maze you're to enter. Guards will then put you in this big box, which takes you up into the maze. The serum should start to wear off, whilst you make your way up."

"Okay, so assuming everything goes according to plan, and an insane amount of luck is on our side. You need to either switch me after I'm placed in the room, or somehow get me into the room for Maze A first." Autumn's fingers brushed along the metal table, as she stared into space trying to picture the plan in her mind.

"Fucking hell, Autumn, you're asking for a lot." Thomas began to chuckle lightly, before Autumn abruptly cut him off. "Well you're getting a lot more in return, being forgiven for all the shit you've put us through."

"You're right, you're right." Thomas held his hands up, to show he wasn't trying to argue. "I think the easiest option would be to switch you after you were placed into the room, seeing as the guards are the only to take you there. Not sure how I'm going to switch you both in time, but maybe if-"

"What about Teresa, wouldn't she be willing to help?" Thomas' head shot up at the mention of her name. "Oh er- no, I don't think so. This will have to be a two person operation."

"Okay, what about if we create some sort of distraction. Then you can, wait can your keycard open the rooms?" Autumn's mind was running a million miles an hour trying to figure out the best plan. She was starting to get a headache.

"No." Thomas' answer was blunt, and not ideal, but could be easily remedied. "Not a problem, I'll get you one that can." Autumn dismissed the problem immediately, to Thomas' surprise.

"Erm okay, what kind of distraction did you have in mind?" Thomas scratched his head and he pulled up the map of the floor the rooms were situated on.

"Why tell you? Where's the fun in that?" Autumn was willing to hold up her end of the bargain, but not without a little fun first. After all, he did torture her.


omg don't hate me. sorry i kinda vanished off the face of the earth. i had so many requests to continue this story, and don't worry i will be!!! it just seemed to take me a while to get back round to it aha. anyway your girls off to ibiza on saturday so i'll try my best to get out updated for you all. but just know they should be better n more regular than they have of late.
anywho i hope this chapter is ok, as i'm sure you can tell the finale of this book is coming (more to follow tho don't worry). which is exciting !!!
tell me ab all of ur lives i feel like i haven't spoken to u lot in forever, and what u think ab the story/where u think i should take it.
lots of love xxx

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