Tears to Share

685 31 14

"We are starting to speed up the process, after your little attempted escape, here is our plan." Janson had flicked on a projector, and was projecting the outlines of their plan.

"What the fuck is that." Gally more stated, than asked. As their eyes were locked onto a drawing of what seemed to be a massive garden, surrounded by tons of every changing walls.

"This is Trail 1, The Maze Trials. We thank you all dearly for your help in creating this, we truly couldn't have done it without you."

"I don't understand." Fry looked around the room at the others, as Autumn leant forward to remove the blur from her vision.

"Well it's everything you've been designing and creating for us. Although, when I say you I mean more Thomas and Teresa. All the rest of you designed silly things, like lookout towers. Nothing that would be a key part in creating this master piece." Janson continues, strolling around the room with a smug look on his face.

"We weren't exactly aware we were supposed to be creating killing machines." Minho hollered, his face turning a slight red because of his anger.

"What the bloody hell is it for?" Newt clenched his eyes to get a better look.

"Well we need a cure, for this virus that is currently killing our planet, and you are our best bets." Janson's smug looked turned even more sinister, if that was possible.


"Well not just you, many others around about your age, of course. We couldn't just throw you 5 menaces in there, could we?" Janson picked up the plastic cup of water, his slurps filling the dead silence.

"Hold up a minute, in there? The fuck do you mean in there." Minho shouted, standing up from his chair, as it slid out from underneath him.

"Oh yes, you will all have your memories removed, and be thrown in there each day. Essentially, you're our lab rats, for the experiment. Since you're skills in designing this were poor, we've found a better use for you." Janson smiled evilly, the smugness licking his words.

"I'm going to be sick." Autumn lifted her hand over her mouth.

"Guards." Janson motioned over the 5 friends.

They had soon learnt not to fight, as the guards escorted them back to their rooms. The same thing had happened in the morning. Guards banging on their doors, grabbing them and pulling them towards the room they were currently leaving. They all fought back. Gally was currently sporting a black eye, and Minho a cut to his chin. But their attempts were futile.

After being chucked back into Minho's room, they both stumbled back over to his bed.

"So that's it? We forget each other?" Autumn asked, interlocking her right hand with Minho's left.

"We'll- We'll find a way around it. To get out. We will. I'm sure of it." Minho turned to face Autumn, so they were both opposite each other, legs crisscrossed on the bed.

"Minho... There's nothing to be done, you know it." Autumn looked up at his with swollen eyes, he thought they looked rather like puppy dog eyes in that moment.

"No- no, we'll think of something. I know it." Minho attempted to reassure the girl he was so fond of.

"I don't want to forget you, Minho." Tears spelled up in her eyes, as her lip trembled. Praying to whatever god out there that they wouldn't spilt her up from him.

Minho's heart shattered, for the second time that week. His eyes also filled with tears, as he pulled the girl towards him, into his arms.

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