Chapter 49

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Once they were all set up in a van outside and Charlie inside they knew it was go time.

Nova happened to noticed something in Charlie's bag and points to the screen, "What is that?"

"Son of a bitch." Dean looked closer.

"What?" Sam was confused.

"Look at her bag." Dean told him.

"Bobby." Sam breaths out, "Wait. You think he-"

"Hitched a ride after we told him to cool his jets?" Dean cut him off. "Yeah. What the hells he thinking?"

"He's not. So what do we do? Call the whole thing off?"

Nova shook her head, "No, we only got one shot at this."

Dean then calls Charlie so they can help her out with the mission. When he caught her singing because she was nervous he told her about the flask since it had alcohol in it. He told her that it's a family heirloom and a good luck charm and not to lose it. She acted like she was ready but continued to stand in one place so Nova took the phone to try to talk her into going.

"It's okay to be nervous sweetie but you only have a limited time remember that. Look, your favorite Harry Potter character is Hermione correct?" When she asked the guys looked at her confused on why she was asking.

"Uh yeah she is."

"Okay well did she run when Sirius black was in trouble or how about when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts?"

"Seriously Nova?" Dean rolled his eyes.

"Shh it." Nova put tips of her fingers to him.

"No of course not."

"Okay, what did she do?"

"She kicked ass. She actually saves Harry in practically every book." She starts to continue on but Sam cut her off telling her to stay in track.

"So she kicked ass. So then what are you going to do?" Sam asked her.

"I'm gonna kick it in the ass."

"Good girl." Both Sam and Nova said together.

"You go dumble-dorks."

"Hey it worked." Nova whispered shrugging her shoulders.

When Charlie got upstairs she ran into another problem. There was a guard by Dick's office. Dean tried to tell her to flirt her way past but she said he wasn't her type cause he wasn't a girl.

"Pretend he has boobs."

Nova lightly smacked Dean's arm with a smirk, "It's not that that easy asshat."

Dean just gave her a cheesy grin and a shrug. He then told Charlie he was going to walk her through it.

"Start with a smile. Relax Charlie. You just got home and Scarlett Johansson's waiting for you.... It shows, you look amazing." When both Sam and Nova looked at him he whispered "This never happened." He then put his focus back on Charlie, "You do anything else with your free time, like take a girl out for a drink?"

By then Sam was lightly laughing as Nova had her hand on her mouth to quiet her laugh.

"Stop laughing you two." He tried say it where only them two heard but Charlie still heard it and accidentally repeated it.

But she quickly recovered by mentioning that it was a bar then also started rambling on.

"Stop talking Charlie!"

Once Charlie was able to get past him she blurted out, "I feel dirty."

"You and me both sister." Dean told her.

Charlie then got to work doing what she needed to do.

"You know what? New plan. From now on, we just stay in the van and send in the two 90 lb girls." Dean joked meaning both Charlie and Nova.

"Hey I'm sure I can kick some ass." Nova joked back.

"Every chomper on earth knows our face. That includes you too Nova." Sam said as he filled bottles with borax "How many do you think are in that building? We wouldn't make it past the lobby." Sam scooted back over to them.

"Yeah I know." Nova sighs.

"Doesn't mean I got to be happy about sending in freaking Veronica Mars."

"She'll be fine, or we'll go in." Nova suggested.

Dean just looks at her a moment, "We'll get as far as we can. Damn right."

Charlie sat at her own desk, then started sending them all the flagged dig sites. But then all of a sudden Charlie's manager showed up so she had to talk to him so she didn't seem as suspicious why she was there. Since he stopped digging months ago they figured maybe he found what he was looking for. Charlie went into looking at travel reports, expenses then found some package arriving from Iran and spent time in armored cars and private planes. She then discovered it was coming there for Dick that night.

Charlie hacked into emails and made it look like he gotten an email stating the package was going to be delayed another half hour. They quickly rushed over to the airport and switched the packages so the one Dick got had a bomb loaded with borax in it.

They couldn't figure out why the only thing that was in the package was a chunk of clay. Charlie was supposed to meet them at the airport but never showed so they rushed back to Roman enterprises.

When they got there Charlie was on the floor. Dean threw borax at the manager as the guy was standing up. Sam quickly picked up Charlie as Bobby started fighting with Dick. They then left to take Charlie safe.

"Charlie, talk to us. You okay?" Dean asked as he drove.

"No. Why didn't you kill him?"

"We can't yet but we will." Sam told her.

"The really evil ones always need special swords." Charlie gasps, "Oh okay. I'm gonna pass out now."

"It's okay sweetie, you're gonna be okay." Nova assures as she made Charlie lay her head on her lap then brushes Charlie's hair out of her face.

The next morning they took Charlie to a bus terminal.

"Listen um we can't thank you enough."

"Actually you can. Never contact me again, like ever, deal?"

"Deal." Sam chuckled as they shake her hand.

"Keep your head down out there okay?" Dean told her.

Charlie shrugged, "It ain't the first time I've disappeared. You really think my name is Charlie Bradbury? Please. So good luck saving the world. Peace out Bitches." She then did the Vulcan 🖖 hand sign.

"She's like the little sister I never wanted."

Nova playfully smacked his arm, "Hey, you've said that about me too." She giggled.

Dean chuckled, "Yes I have and it's still true." He gave her a cheesy grin.

Sam then started talking about Bobby since they weren't around the flask. And how it was Bobby's fault Charlie got her arm broken. Dean stuck up for him but Sam mentioned it was a vengeful spirit type of thing. After a few more words Dean said they should figure out what's in the brief case then deal with Bobby.

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