Chapter 36

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Nova thought it was pretty cool to meet some witches but hated that it was under bad circumstances since people have died. One of the ingredients to get rid of Maggie was chicken feet so Sam found some. Nova told him that they should be cold but that was the best they could do since the butcher's fridge was going out.

Sam then sat down and started putting the ingredients together in a bronze bowl.
When they got to the gallery they found that there was another accident involving the paintings and Maggie's assistant.

They went to where Maggie and Don was and as soon as they stepped inside Dean started the spell then as soon as he was done Sam lit a match and threw it into the bowl but after the smoke disappeared they realized it didn't work.

"Let me guess chicken feet? Not chilled?" Maggie put her hands on her hips.

"Told you." Nova whispered so only Sam and Dean could hear.

The guys just looked at her then back at Don as he spoke, "For obvious reasons you won't be leaving this room." He stood up, "Well you will be leaving- just not alive. Maggie?"

All of a sudden both Maggie and Don started chanting, "Puterea magiei negre..."

"Okay plan B." Sam whispered.

"And what's that?"

"What's plan B?" Dean asked at the same time Nova had asked her question.


"LA suferinta."

"Seriously?" Nova raised an eyebrow.

"This is obviously a domestic dispute. So if you can't kill them, counsel them."

"Yeah. You know what? Not my area." Dean shook his head.

"Supun-te ordinelor mele --"

"Okay okay okay." Dean sat the bowl down, "Look, obviously you two are capable of offing each other out right? But you haven't huh? Which means you two, you still value whatever it is you got. A-and you want to keep that dance going. " Dean looks back at Sam and Nova then back at the Starks, "Maybe it's -- maybe it's punishment. Maybe it's, it's sick, messed up, erotic, kinky, clamps and fathers kind of love. " As Dean was talking Nova bit her lips together to keep from laughing.

Nova finally stepped forward, "Okay okay that's going way too deep there cowboy. " She patted Dean on the shoulder as Sam stepped up next to her.

"Look, what he's trying to say is that, is that you two are... whatever it is you have, you're bonded." Sam cut in.

"Are you out of your mind? " Maggie asked them. "He cheated on me, humiliated me."

"We're not getting to say what Don did was right. "

"Look, Sam has cheated on me. " Nova told them as she remembered the time he was soulless and he had sex with that ditzy hippie chic. Sam just looked at her confused as she continues on to her point, "He's also lied to me, but I forgave him, because I love him. Because people who love each other forgive each other when they're destined to be together like you guys are."

"He hurt you and you forgave him?" Just then Maggie made Sam double over in pain.

"Sam!" Nova bent over to him then looked up at the couple, "Look, usually when a relationship cracks usually both parties have a hand in it."

"Indeed." Don agreed.

"So you're defending him?" Maggie then made Nova have pain.

"Whoa! Okay okay! Nobody can defend Don. We get that you feel betrayed, because you were."

"Don't suck up to her. " Don rolled his eyes then sent Dean flying across the room.

Maggie told Don how she did feel betrayed because Carl introduced him to Wendy and that Dewey duvets for him while Wendy did him.

Sam started slowly standing up, "I-I don't think Don was lying to you when he said he regrets the whole Wendy thing.

"Thing?" Maggie huffed. "Sit down!" She made him land on the floor again.

Sam groaned, "Yeah affair that's right, terrible."

Maggie went on to say how Don only regrets getting caught. Of course Don tried convincing her that Wendy meant nothing to him and that it was over as soon as it started. They went on to argue back and forth about their past affairs until Jenny was brought up.

Dean leaned up against the door frame, "Its true. She uh she told us, just an assistant." Maggie sent him flying backwards again.

As Maggie and Don started talking to each other about Jenny, Nova pipped up, "She even used the word ew." Which Don made her be quiet by seizing her vocal cord.

Don told Maggie he made a mistake and that he was sorry.

"See? You guys are talking." Sam stated standing up again, "All these years you buried your anger and your disappointment till it tore you apart. All you needed to do was talk."

"And I would have missed the nuking that my melon just took." Dean chuckled, "Who wants that?"

Dean leaned up against the door frame but then Maggie slammed him up against the other door frame and Don made bees fly around his face. As Maggie and Don were talking to each other again they started making up. They then started making out.

"Somebody want to call these things off?" Dean groaned. "Ex-- Excuse me!"

They finally got realeased so they left the house and headed back to the hotel. As soon as they walked in Dean pulled out a flask and took a swig which caused Sam and Nova to shake their heads with a smile.

"Oh give me a break."

"We didn't say anything. " Sam smirked.

"It's been a long day." Dean grumbled.

"And it's not over yet. " A voice spoke making all three of them flip around and Dean instantly pointed a gun at the guy. "Hi Sam, hi Dean. Um," The guy snapped his fingers, "Nova. "

"Who are you? " Nova snarled,.

Sam asked if they knew him and the guy said he definitely knew them that they were the dead guys that they would be in a minute anyways. As soon as he said that Dean shot him in the chest but it didn't have any affect as the guy pushed the bullet back out of him.

Nova quickly back up as the three guys started fighting. But as soon as the guy started choking Sam he all of a sudden let go of him and fell to the floor. They looked up and Don was standing in the doorway. When he asked what it was they told them they had to figure it out. Then Don walked past them and pulled out a coin from each of the beds explaining how Maggie hexed them since they tried to kill her. He then left their hotel room.

As Dean was loading the guy up in the car to take the body to Bobby, Sam looked at Nova.

"So back at the Starks you said something that confused me."

"And what's that?"

"The whole I cheated on you. When did I ever cheat on you?"

"Oh, that?" She shrugged, "I just said that to try to calm the situation." She bit her lips together for a second, "To make it seem like I understand how she was feeling and try to make things better between them." She patted his chest, "So nothing to worry about I promise." She kissed his lips then they walked out.

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