Chapter 15

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The next morning they went to a small pub and had breakfast. After they were done they decided to discuss about having a soul means.

"Look." Sam cleared his throat, "Say you got a soul and you're on a case, your brother gets abducted by aliens."

"Or you have a girlfriend." Nova said lowly and both boys looked at her and nodded.

"And that too." Sam stated as he had nodded.

"You do everything to get him back. Or push away the girl who is hitting on you that's not your girl." Dean told him.

"Right. You do. But what about when there are no more leads for the night? Or your girlfriend out of town. I mean, are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer...even when there's nothing that can be done?"

"Yes!" Both Nova and Dean said at the same time.

"You sit in the dark and you feel the loss, loss of your brother being abducted. Loss of your girl being away." Nova told him.

"Absolutely. But couldn't I just do all that and have sex with the hippie chick?"

"No, of course not." Nova groaned.

"It would be in the dark."

"No because you would be suffering and you have a girlfriend." Dean rolled his eyes. "And you can't just turn that off for the night."

Just then the waitress came by to drop the check off, this time it was Nova's turn to roll her eyes as the waitress and Sam smiled at each other.

Sam then looks at Dean, "Why not?"

"Because if you had a soul, your soul wouldn't let you." 

"So you're saying having a soul equals suffering."

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." Dean told him as Nova agreed nodding. 

"Like the million times you almost called Lisa." Sam called out making Nova almost choke on her coffee while Dean just glared at his brother, "So you're saying suffering is a good thing."

"In most cases." Nova piped up.

"I'm saying it's the only game in town." Dean pointed out.

"Okay." Sam sighs and then changes the subject.

He asks about dealing with the little green men and Dean tells him they need to do research since they have about a century of UFO lore to catch up on. As much as Nova didn't want to, for Dean, she agreed to go help Sam at the library while Dean stayed in the room to look up research on the internet.

Little while later when they got back, Dean wanted them to look at what happened in the microwave. While Dean swore there was a explosion of grossness in the microwave, Sam and Nova wasn't seeing anything.

"So what the hell was it?" Sam finally asked.

"It was a... a little naked lady, okay?

"It was a what?" Sam questioned. 

"It was a little, glowing, hot, naked lady...with nipples and." He had motioned his hands over his chest with his fingers pointed out. "And she hit me." 

"I'm not supposed to laugh right?" Sam asked.

"I don't care, that's fucking funny." Nova busted up laughing.

Dean just dropped his hands, slapping his legs as he stared at the both of them.

"Right, okay, sure um." Nova did her best to stop laughing as she cleared her throat.

"So shot in the dark here but did this little lady have wings?" Sam moved on as he walked over to the laptop.

"What the hell made you say that?" Dean glared a little as him and Nova walked over to the table.

"She did, didn't she?" Nova giggled. 

"Yeah but how, how did." 

Sam then mentioned how it was one of the theories him and Nova came across and how it could have been exactly what a lady was yammering about. About how it probably had nothing to do with UFOs. The encounters probably have been going on for centuries, not with extraterrestrials but with ultra-terrestrials. And how people call them space aliens but are actually called Fairies. Dean didn't want to believe it but Sam pressed on how the glowing lights, abductions and how its the same UFO stuff but under a different skin.

"What I don't understand is, I thought fairies were all nice but apparently that's just a folklore." Nova shrugged.  

They then decided to go talk to the lady as Sam had called a crazy crystal lady, even though her name was actually Marion, since she seemed to know so much about fairies. Nova almost thought about just staying behind but she didn't want to miss what this lady had to say.  

Nova couldn't believe how many sculptures this lady had, it was like every space was filled with something. After Dean asked why the fairies was abducting people she went on to explain how there was much theory and little fact and how they knew they only take first born sons just like Rumpelstiltskin did. She then said she thought people who were abducted were taken to Avalon to service Oberon, King of the fairy. 

"Dean?" Nova questioned, "Did, did you service Oberon, king of the fairies?" She bit her lips together to hold back her laughter.

Her and Dean just stared at each other for a few seconds before Dean started talking to Marion again. He began asking how they could interact with them without saying the words but of course she could sense what he was trying to ask. She told them they could use a bowl of fresh cream, how fairies hate iron, and how if you spilled sugar or salt in front of them that that no matter what the fairies must stop to count each grain.

As they were leaving they discovered someone buying a lot of cream so they figured maybe he had something to do with the fairies.  They were right when, after Dean checked out the guys store that he discovered a bunch of little fairies in the back of his store.

Later after they defeated the fairies and the leprechaun they decided to pack up and leave. 

"I'll be fine if I never see or hear about a damn leprechaun or fairy for a long time." Nova groaned lightly as she cracked open a beer then took a long swig of it.

"Me too." The guys agreed.

"Hey you better not spill any of that back there." Dean warned as he glanced at Nova through the rearview window. 

"I promise I wont." She told him. 

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