Chapter 14

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The next day Nova decided to go back to her house and check on a few things, make sure nothing was messed with. She really didn't want to go back but knew she needed to. She hated how lonely it was there. While she was there though, she realized her house wasn't protected by an alarm company so no one would know if the house had gotten broken into. She then paid for an alarm company to come in and install their systems in her house. It was a good amount of money but she knew the best system wouldn't be cheap. After she was done with what she needed to do she decided to go back to the guys.

She went to Elwood, Indiana, where they said they were heading on their next case. When Sam told her there was possible aliens she thought it was funny because that sort of thing you only hear about in movies, not real life.

Nova got to the hotel they told her they'd be at and ran into Dean on the way to the door.

"Hey Dean." 

"Oh hey Nova, you made it. I don't know where Sam is, I just got back here. Come on, let's go inside and wait." He sighs. 

But when they walked in they got a big surprise, Sam was in bed with some girl.

"Dean, Nova."

"What the hell?" Both Dean and Nova said at the same time.

"Oh that's Dean? Sam, they brought your brother back." She said in a happy but ditzy voice, "Whose Nova? Is that his girl?"

"No ya ditz I'm supposed to be Sam's girlfriend." Nova blinked back tears then walked out.

"I'm going to let you two get dressed." Dean walked out and went after Nova, "Nova wait!" He caught up to her, grabbed her arm and made her look at him.

"What Dean? Hm?"

"Don't be mad at him."

"Why the fuck not?! I leave to go take care of stuff and I come back and he's in bed with another girl! Yet again he does this shit to me even though apparently back in college it was supposedly a misunderstanding but this time? No this time we actually talked about it, and we agreed what we had was more than friends!" Nova wiped the tears off her face but more ran down her cheeks.

"Look, right now." He puts his hands on her upper arms, "Sam's not truly himself, he doesn't realize what he did was wrong because he's soulless. If he had a soul, you can bet your sweet ass he wouldn't have done that to you. Okay? Everything he does, like things like that." He points back towards the room, "As much as it may hurt, you can't take it to heart." He points to her heart, "He doesn't realize what he's doing is wrong because he doesn't have any emotional feelings."

"But Dean, it's going to be hard to even look at him." 

"I understand but you two are meant to be and I really don't want to deal with soulless him by myself. So come on, let's go, plus it's too late to be leaving anywhere."

"I guess you're right." 

"I know I am." He smirks, wraps his arm around her shoulders and kisses the side of her head as they start walking.

Nova takes a deep breath then they walk in, she starts to sit on the edge of  Sam's bed but quickly stopped and sat on Deans bed as Dean stood by the door holding it open. The whole time Nova was giving the girl a death stare.

The girl started to walk out but had ask Dean what was it like but Dean just gave her a smart ass answer.

"They were grabby, incandescent douche bags. Good night before I stick Nova on you." When Dean said that it made Nova smirk. 

The girl walked out and Dean slammed the door and leaned against it a few minutes. Sam looked at Nova, who instantly looked down at her lap then at Dean before he spoke. 

"You're both upset." Sam stated, and Nova didn't even look up as she sat cross legged while playing with her fingers.

Dean started walking towards Sam, "I was abducted, Nova had to go take care of some business and you were in here cheating on her with Patchouli."

"I didn't think she smelled bad."

"Seriously Sam?" Nova shook her head, "That's all you have to say. And what do you mean you were abducted Dean? Abducted by who?"

"I was abducted by Aliens." He snapped looking at Sam.

"I was looking into it." 

"Oh yeah, was the information in that bimbo's mouth?" Nova snapped.

"Of course it wasn't." Sam told her. "I'm sorry Nova." He told her but she just scoffed.

"I was gone for like an hour. "

Sam then told Dean how he was actually gone all night which surprised Dean. Sam then started talking about how it fell in line with all the other stories and made Dean drink as Nova grabbed the other bottle of alcohol and started drinking straight from the bottle.

As Sam sat down on the other bed he looked over at Nova, "Nova, I'm sorry. I didn't really understand what I was doing. I'm not right in my head." 

Nova wiped her hand down her face and waved him off, "We'll talk about this later. First I want to hear about Dean getting abducted."

Dean then talked about how there was a bright white light and how suddenly he was in a different place than the cornfield he originally was in. Then how there was some beings that were bright to look at and how they pulled him onto what Sam described as a probing table.  And how he surprised them by hacking, slashing, and firing at them.  

"So uh, since you had that happen maybe you should go cleanse yourself in the shower." Nova smirked, holding back her laughter.

"I should go take a shower." Dean agreed and went to the bathroom.

Nova sighs and lays down facing away from Sam.


"What Sam?" She asked not looking at him.

"We need to talk about what happened tonight. About what you walked in on."

She popped up and looked at him, "No, because what's the point? It's not like you felt anything for her. Hell who am I kidding, you probably don't feel anything for me neither." 

"That's not true." Sam stated and Nova just stared at him, "Okay, yes, part of it is true. But I can't help it, we both know I can't help it until I get my soul back." 

"Yeah." She breaths out with a nod. 

"Come here." He holds his arms out to her. 

She starts to then stops and shudders, "Definitely not, because who knows where those hands of yours has touched on her and I don't want you touching me with them." She lays back down with her back facing him.

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