Chapter 8

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After Nova ended up waking up, she had laid there then looked up at Sam and smiled. He glanced down at her and smiled back.

She sat up, "How far are we out?"

"About ten minutes. You have a good nap?"

"Oh my God." She put her hands on the side of her head, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sleep the whole trip."

"It's okay, you must have needed the rest."

"Apparently." She breaths out.

Once they got to the hospital, Sam parked and they rushed inside. Nova found out what room her mother was in and went straight there.
When she seen her mom lying in the hospital bed she took the deep breath, making Jackson turn around.

"Hey Jackson."

"Hey sweetie." He says as she walks over to the bed, "She's been mumbling your name."

Nova frowned as she held onto Lila's hand, "Mom I'm here. I'm right here finally. I came as soon as I heard." Nova sniffled so Sam came over and rubbed her back. "You think she can hear me?" She asked Jackson.

He lightly nodded, "I like to think she can. She's still with us Nova."

Jackson then explained how she had a mini heart attack which caused her to wreck into a parked car. The left of her face was swollen slightly and she had a gash on her forehead that was bandaged up. She also had broken a couple of ribs which one of the bones pierced her right lung.

"So can't she get a lung transplant or something?" Nova questioned.

"Not likely in time. There's a waiting list for that sort of thing."

"Oh." Nova wiped the tears off her cheeks with her free hand. "Mom, you've got to pull through. So uhm, someone brought me." She looks at Sam then back at her mom, "I caught up with Sam Winchester, remember from college? We've made up and are pretty much back together." As she was talking she used her free hand to intertwined her fingers with his. "So uh are they going to do surgery to at least try to fix her lung?"

Jackson nodded, "Yeah, the Surgeon on call had another emergency surgery right before she came in. So she's next on the list."

"Oh good, good." Nova nodded once.

Since Jackson was sitting in one chair and Sam had sat down in the other chair, Nova started to sit on edge of the bed stood back up because she was afraid she'd disturb Lila.

"Here." Sam patted his legs.

"Okay." Nova smirked softly and sat down on his legs where she was straddling him with her back facing him.

Jackson smirked looking at them.

"What?" Nova asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Nothing really, just you two remind me of your mom and dad. They spent so much time together. Every chance he got he was at that bar talking to her. He was so smitten with her."

Nova giggled, "I don't think anyone says smitten anymore."

Jackson shrugs, "Well either way they instantly fell for each other. I think it was more Billy fell for Lila first. She always said she would never be with a hunter but yet she fell for one."

"Why would she not want to be with a hunter?"

"Your grandfather, her father, was a hunter you know."

"He was?!" She ask surprised.

"Yeah huh." He nodded.

"Wow, she never mentioned that. Come to think of it she never really talked about my grandparents."

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