Chapter 34

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Nova was in the bedroom her and Sam was sharing debating on taking off herself but in the end she couldn't do that because she didn't want to leave Dean since he was in a cast. All of a sudden she heard a buzzing noise so she walked out and seen him standing with his leg propped up and saw in hand.

"Dean! What the hell?!"

"I can't wait a few more days Nova, I got to get this thing off. We got to find Sam before something bad happens. You heard what I told Bobby."

Nova groaned out as she walked towards him, "Why are you Winchester boys so difficult sometimes."

He just gave her a cheesy grinned at her with a shrug.

She just shook her head and smiled, "Then y'all do shit like that which is adorable and makes it hard not to love you boys." She reaches her hand out to him, "Give it here, at least let me help you." When he looks at her with raised eyebrows she rolls her eyes at him, "I promise I won't go too deep and hurt you."

He reluctantly hands her the saw and she goes to work on his cast. After they were done she threw the cast away.

"Last night I seen him reading this news paper, something about an ice pick killer."

"Seriously?" He asked and Nova nodded, "Let's go see if the store close still has that paper."

They checked the store and luckily the place still had the paper from the day before. After they got to the location, Dean changed into his FBI attire then went and checked the morgue. Dean realized that Sam was on a case about a Kitsune. It was one him and his dad hunted years back.

Hours later they finally found what hotel room Sam was staying at so Dean convinced the clerk to give him a key to the room Sam in. So they waited in the room till Sam came in.

When Dean noticed Sam outside the door he didn't give him a chance to open it before he opened it himself and punched his brother making Nova gasp. Once he pulled Sam inside Nova wrapped some ice up in a rag and made him put it against where he was punched.

"New rule, you steal my baby you get punched. What the hell were you thinking running off like that? For all we know Satan could have been running your plays."

"Look how many times do I have to tell you guys I'm fine."

"Oh, yeah, no you're a poster boy for mental health. You have any idea the kind of horror show I had going on in my head?! Not to mention how bad you hurt Nova!"

"I left you guys a note. There was a job in town, a kitsune." Sam then looked at Nova, "And I'm sorry to you."

"So you couldn't be bothered to say hey Nova I'm checking out this job want to go with? You fucking lied to me Sam! I asked you if that article was your guys kind of thing which you basically said no and then you take off. You know how bad that hurt to feel like my own boyfriend didn't want to be around me?!"

"That's not true Nova, I just knew you were tired and I didn't want to wake you."

"So why make things worse and ignore our phone calls? You could have had the decency to answer to let us know you were okay?!" Nova wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"Because I wanted to take care of it and I did. I took care of it."

"Really?" Dean looked at Sam.


"And where's the body?"

"There is no body."

"Why not?" Dean stepped towards him.

"Because I let her go. She's gone."

"Her?" Nova was confused.

"What? Why?" Dean was just as confused.

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