Chapter 5

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After their last case the Boys and Nova went their separate ways, since she had some other business to tend to in another state. Sam and Nova promised to keep in touch but they didn't as much as they thought they would only because one of them was always preoccupied and couldn't talk.

About a month later, Nova decided to try to get a hold of Sam but wasn't succeeding. And it worried her because he always sends her a text to let her know he'll try to call back later. But this time his phone was going straight to voicemail.
After a week and no contact she decided to try call Dean.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Dean, it's Nova." She let out a breath of relief she was able to get a hold of him.

"Oh, hey Nova, what's going on? Everything okay?"

"Uh sorta, I mean I'm not in trouble if that's what you mean. It's just, is Sam okay? I haven't heard anything from him and usually he sends at least a text but my calls are going straight to voicemail." She says softly as she rubs her fingers on her forehead.

"You haven't heard."

"Heard what?" She perked up, "What's going on?"

He let out a deep breath, "Look, I don't want to do this over the phone." He started to suggest them meet up at a diner but decided to give her the address he was living at instead.

It was the next day by time Nova got to his house. After being introduced to Lisa, Nova and Dean sat down on the couch.

"So what is it? What didn't you want to tell me over the phone?" Nova turned where she was facing Dean on the couch.

He then explained how he allowed Lucifer into him and things went south and how Sam fell into a hole and died.

"So, so, Sam is dead." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry but yes." He frowned.

"Oh God!" Tears started flowing from her eyes.

Dean instantly wrapped her into a hug to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around him as she cried into his shoulder.

"I just, just got, got his friendship back and now it's gone again." She sobbed out.

"I know sweetie." He says softly as he rubbed her back.

"Why? Why would he do this?"

"He thought he was doing the right thing but it backfired." Dean sighs.

After her breakdown she finally pulled away from him and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry for that."

"Why are you Sorry?"

"For breaking down like that. And for getting your shirt wet from my tears by crying into your shoulder."

"Oh hey don't need to be sorry for that." He smacked the air once.

"Okay, well thank you for letting me cry into your shoulder."

"You're welcome. That's what friends are for. " He then gave her a goofy grin which made her laugh lightly, "Ah ha I made you laugh."

She smiles and nodded once, "Thank you, I needed that."

Just then Lisa popped her head into the living room, "Nova, you want to stay for dinner?"

"Oh uhm." She wipes her fingers over her eyes, "No, that's okay thank you but don't want to impose."

"Of course you won't be imposing." Lisa said as Dean shook his head.

"Okay well then sure, thank you."

"You're welcome." Lisa smiled.

As they were eating dinner Dean decided to strike up conversation.

"So Nova, you still hunting?"

"Hunting?" She asked as she motioned her eyes towards Lisa then back at Dean.

"Oh Lisa knows about the stuff me and Sam used to do."

"Oh okay, sorry." She says as Lisa waves it off with a smile, "But kinda, I found out what killed my father and got rid of it."

"Oh what was it?"

"Is it okay? I don't want to say too much and scare anyone."

"Yeah, that's fine." Lisa nodded.

"It, well they, was called a Ghoul. There was two of them but thankfully I made it out."

"What a weird name." Ben piped up.

Nova nods, "That it is. But a lot of the monsters have weird names."

"So where's your next destination now that you found your dad's killer?" Dean asked. "You going to quit hunting since you completed your mission?"

"Oh that I don't know." She shrugged, "Might go back home and live my life."

"Well your not heading out tonight are you? It's a little late to be driving isn't it?" Lisa questioned.

"Oh no, I'll probably check into a hotel and head out in the morning."

"No you're not. We have a perfectly good couch you can sleep on. Right babe?"

"Oh uhm of course." Lisa smiled.

"Okay thank you." Nova smiled lightly.

"Welcome." Dean patted her hand.

"So Dean, why did you quit hunting?"

"It's just something Sam made me promise, that if something happened I would come and try to have the apple pie life with Lisa."

"Oh cool. And how'd you two meet?" Nova motioned between Dean and Lisa.

"Around eleven years ago we met at a bar, we had spent the weekend together. Then a year or so ago I ended up here in town for a job and instantly got into contact with her."

"Dean helped me and some other kids. We ended up being held hostage. Dean and Sam saved our lives. It was so cool." Ben beamed.

"They're awesome like that aren't they?" Nova smiled and winked at Ben.

Which he agreed with a nod.

Then something hit Nova and she looked at both Dean and Lisa so she had to ask, "Wait, does that mean Ben is Dean's son?"

Both Dean and Lisa laughed a little while looking at each other and Lisa shook her head.

"Trust me, we've had this conversation already. When Dean first met Ben he thought the same thing. But I've had a blood test done years ago and found out someone else is his dad."

"Well you guys make a good looking couple."

"Thank you." Both Dean and Lisa said together.

"So how'd you meet the boys? Was through the job of the supernatural?"

"Oh no." Nova shook her head. "I went to school with Sam, we had a connection. Although I did meet Dean through the supernatural stuff. My dad was missing when I was a junior in college and I turned to him for help. Which I ended up saving their asses during that." Nova smirked at the last sentence.

"Man you're not going to let me live that down are you?" Dean laughed.

"Nope, I'm not going to Dean-O." She laughed with along with Lisa and Ben.

Later that night everyone went to bed, with Nova sleeping on the couch.

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