Chapter 10

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"So why did Sam need both of our help?" Nova asked as her and Dean was in his truck and traveling to a location Sam wanted to meet him.

"He didn't really say, something about needing a needing a females... Intuition. Whatever that means." Dean shrugs.

"This better be good." Nova grumbled making Dean chuckle.


"Where is it?" Dean asked once they got to Sam waiting and gotten out of the car.

"Strapped in the backseat."

"Strapped?" Nova questioned.

After both her and Dean looked in the back windows, Nova popped back up and looked at Sam.

"Um Sam, are you trying to be like Adam Sandler in big daddy and adopt a kid for us?" Nova smirked.

"If only." Sam smiled then said, "Welcome to the party Guttenberg." More to Dean than Nova.

Dean just looked off in space with the 'Ah Fuck' look then looked at Sam.

"I guess we got work to do." He takes a deep breath and let's it out, "Let me go get my stuff and say bye to Lisa if we're doing this."

"Okay man."

"Nova you want a ride back?"

Nova shook her head, "I'll stay with Sam, help him with the little bugger in the back."

"Okay, I'll see you guys soon." Dean told them then got into his truck and left.

Nova then turned to Sam, "So let me get this straight. Was it your words or Dean's on the needing me because of needing female intuition?"

"Kind of both. I told Dean about him." He pointed with his thumb towards the car as he said 'him', "And suggested maybe you might know something about babies. Seems most females are better at that sort of thing than guys. Dean is the one who used the words female intuition."

"Ah okay." She walks to him and pats his chest, "Sorry to break it to you but I know nothing about babies, except for what I've seen in television and movies."

"Oh sorry."

"It's okay, so how did you end up with a baby?"

He then explains the case of how he went to the house to find the parents dead then got attacked by some guy. He slashed the his arm then it freaked and took off, he then discovered the baby. And how he wasn't sure what to do next so he called Dean.

"Ah okay." She hooks her arms around his neck, "Now to change the subject. I've missed you."

He places his hands on her hips, "I've missed you too."

She then starts kissing him to which he kisses her back. As they kissing she plays with the ends of his hair. She got lost in the kiss as it deepens. Not breaking the kiss he lifts her up and sets her down on the hood of the car. He then moves his fingers under her shirt and rubs her bare side but soon hooks his fingers into the hem of her pants.

She broke the kiss, placing her hand on his chest and pushes him back some, "Sam stop, as much as I love kissing those lips of yours we can't keep doing it."

"Why not."

"There's a baby in the backseat and." She looks through the windshield at the baby then back at Sam, "He's wide awake, watching us."

"Ah yes, a little weird him watching us."

"Ya think?" She pecks his lips then hops off the car, "Come on, I got myself a house not to far from here."

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