Chapter 41

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Bobby, Sam and Dean were working a job at one of Dicks warehouses when they realized they couldn't kill him that day so they decided to make a run for it. But as Bobby was closing the van door he got shot in his head.

As Dean was driving to the hospital Sam called Nova to let her know what was happening and tell her where they'll be. She told them she'll meet them there then rushed out of the room.

"Where's Bobby? Is he okay?" Nova was panicking when she jogged up to the boys.

Sam wrapped his arms around her, "He's still in the trauma room, we haven't heard anything yet. "

"Oh God. " She sighed as she hugged him as tears rolled down her face.

A doctor came out of the room, "He's stable for right now. We'll have to wait and see." He then walked away.

Dean looked at Bobby laying in the bed then turned around looking at Sam and Nova with blood shot eyes.

"I hate that this is happening. Bobby is the last person that deserves this." Nova cried out.

"I agree with you there. " Sam sighed.


Pretty soon the doctor showed back up to give them some more information about Bobby's condition.

"So there's nothing else we can do?" Sam asked with his arm around Nova's shoulders as she rubbed her hand on his back.

She knew they needed more comfort than her because they've known him way longer than she had.

"I'm sorry. We just have to wait. We'll see if the swelling goes down. "

"How long?" This time it was Dean to ask.

"Is hard to say in cases like this. "

"Well, he's lasted this long. That's something right?"

"Well yes. Listen, the bullet didn't shatter. Only one hemisphere of his brain was injured. These are all positive things. But...I don't want to give you false hope here. He far from out of the woods. Most of the time, cases like this..." The doctor acted like he didn't want to say the words so Nova did with a heavy sigh.

"They die."

The doctor slightly nodded, "Right now it comes down to him. I'll keep you updated." With that the doctor walked away.

Nova sniffled as a man walked up behind them wanting to know who the next of kin was. They let him know that all three of them basically were. Since Dean was the oldest he decided to talk to the guy, who was a representative from the organ donors center.

Nova wanted to find somewhere in the hospital that had coffee so Sam held her hand and went with her. As Sam and Dean were leaning against the window ledge they got news that the swelling went down enough that they could take him off of sedation. He also was fighting his tube so they pulled it out and that he was breathing in his own.

"That's good right? Is that good?" Dean asked.

Nova nodded a little as Sam spoke, "Yeah well doctor said best case scenario."

Dean asked when are they going to take the bullet out but Nova flat out said they weren't going to try that, at least not right now. Because of dead tissue the medical team wasn't sure if it was worth the risk.

The boys got into a small argument about the fact that Bobby could die, Dean didn't want them thinking nor talking like that. Dean then stormed off. Nova wanted to go after him but decided not to since he just needed alone time. She looked over at Sam who was sitting down, staring off into space and pressing his thumb to his palm.

She sighed as she rubbed her fingers on her forehead then moved his hands and sat sideways on his lap as she put one of his hands on her legs and wrapped the other one around her waist. They gave each other a small smile as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

She put one hand on his check as she rest her head against his, "As hard as it is we have to think postive." She whispered in his ear.

"I know." He whispered back.


Later Bobby started showing signs of responsiveness so the nurse told them they were going to take him up for surgery. The nurse allowed them to see Bobby before they took him up so if course they weren't going to pass up the opportunity to.

They talked with him for a minute then the nurse said they needed to get moving. They were getting ready to step out when Bobby started waking up. He acted like he wanted to say something so Dean quickly gave him a pen. Bobby breathed heavily as he wrote some numbers on Sam's palm.

He looked at them, called them idjits with a small smile then flatlined. The nurse quickly rushed them out and paged a code red in the trauma room. Sam and Nova stood with their arms around each other as she cried while the three of them watched what was happening in the room.

"We can't lose him, please God no! " Nova sobbed into Sam's Chest.

The nurses and doctors tried everything they could but unfortunately they couldn't save Bobby. They stuck around long enough for paperwork to get finished then left the hospital.

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