"Ummm, no but-

"No but's Ronald, get your butt upstairs and try it on!" I said.

Ron groaned getting out of his seat to head up stairs.

"And just for that, you better come down here and show me!" I said.

"That boy, I swear," I said turning back to Fred.

"What are we gonna do with him," he said laughing.

Ron came back down stair in his clothes. He was wearing black slacks with a pink shirt that matched the color of the flowers on Hermione's dress.

"They fit perfect!" I said getting off the couch and walking over to him.

"Why do I have to wear pink?" he asked with a grumpy face.

"Because it matches Hermione's dress and you'll be walking with her," I said, "AND because you love me."

"Yeah, I guess." he said.

"Aww baby Ronnykins loves me," I said pinching his cheeks.

"Mal, stop," he said said pushing my hands away.

"Fine, but you look great," I said smiling at him.

The front door to the burrow flung open making me turn to look and see who it was.

"The favorite child has arrived!" Charlie said coming through the door.

"Charlie!" I said running over to hug him.

"She doesn't even hug me like that," I heard Fred whisper behind me.

"How's my favorite sister-in-law?" Charlie asked.

"First off, I'm not technically even your sister-in-law yet. Secondly, I'm your only sister-in-law," I said laughing.

"Well thats beside the point," he said, "How are you?"

"I'm alright, kinda stressed trying to make sure that everything is together," I said.

"I'm sure everything will turn out perfectly," Charlie said giving me a warm smile.

We all hung around the house for the rest of the day. Molly was making dinner, everyone was going to come over to eat. This was going to be the first time in a long time that the whole Weasley family was going to be together. Percy wasn't going to be here though, he still wasn't talking to us. I had sent him an owl inviting him to the wedding but he declined because things were still a bit tense between him and the family. I knew Molly was still emotional about the situation so I didn't mention to her that I had invited him.

"Dinner is read," Molly said from the kitchen.

We all got up taking our usual seats at the table. Molly had made a delicious meal and had definitely gone overboard, but she always did when we all got together.

Everyone was making conversation with one another. I was looking at everyone with a smile. I really loved this family and in a few days I would officially be part of it.


It was Friday and the wedding was tomorrow. The last few days had been full of last minute wedding things. Fred and the guys were going to be staying at the flat tonight while the girls would be staying at the burrow. The boys would be coming back early in the morning to set things up.

I was sitting out in the garden trying to get away from the craziness of the house. I had my eyes closed taking in breaths and was just taking in the sound around me.

"How are you?" someone said behind me making me open my eyes.

I turned to see Fred behind me.

"Just trying to relax before the crazy day tomorrow," I said.

"I know what you mean, I don't think I've ever been asked to chose between so many things in my life," Fred said.

I laughed, "I know, I'll honestly be ready when it's over."

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"A little. Mainly about being in front of all those people," I said, "Are you?"

"Not really, as long as I get to marry you at the end of the day that's really all that matters," Fred said smiling at me.

"Aww Fred, you're the sweetest, did you know that?" I said.

"I may have been told that before," Fred said cheekily.

"Fred!" Charlie yelled from the door, "It's time to go."

"That's my cue love," he said.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," I said giving him a kiss.

"I can't wait to do that tomorrow at the alter," Fred whispered as he pulled away from me.

I walked back to the house with Fred. The girls and I were going to do a spa night to prepare for tomorrow.

The boys left and we got straight to it. Ginny had made popcorn for everyone and we were all spread out on the living room floor.

"Here, put this on," Fleur said handing me a face mask, "We want to make sure that your skin looks flawless for tomorrow!"

"Can you believe you are going to marry Fred tomorrow?" Ginny asked.

"Honestly, no," I said, "It still feels like we should be kids spending our time playing and just having fun."

"We did always have the best times, didn't we?" Ginny said.

"We really did," I said.

"Well, I for one think you are so very luck to find someone you want to spend forever with so young," Fleur said.

"Fleur is right, you and Fred are lucky," Hermione added.

"I know I'm lucky. Fred and I have know each other our whole lives, and now we get to spend the rest of our lives together, in love," I said.

I looked over at the girls who all looked like they had tears in their eyes.

"Okay, since everyone is already crying I have one more thing that might tug at the hear stings," Ginny said getting off the floor and heading up stairs.

Ginny came back down with a present in her hand.

"I was going to wait to give this to you tomorrow but I wanted to see your face," she said.

"Oh Ginny, you shouldn't have," I said.

"I wanted to. Plus, it wasn't much," she said.

I opened the present seeing a scrapbook that said "The Weasley's" on the front cover. I smiled opening up the book up to look inside of it. Right there on the front page was the picture that Ginny had taken of Fred and I asleep on the couch in fifth year. Tears started to form in my eyes as I stared down at the picture.

"The rest of the pages are blank. I figured you could fill them with photos that you take in the future," Ginny said.

"I love it. I love it so much," I said pulling Ginny into a hug while crying.

"Alright, alright. That's enough crying for everyone. We'd hate to have puffy eyes tomorrow for the wedding," Fleur said, "Everyone put on these eye patches."

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz