Chapter 91: RAGE Engaged

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*Skye's POV*

Ronen: Start with her.  After that…kill them all.

No! Chase would never do that to me… right? No, he would never do that to me. He loves me too much. Then my heart dropped as he said "Yes Master." Then turned towards me, smiling evilly. Then he started walking towards me and I slowly backed away until I hit the wall behind me. Then I saw Chase run at me and I tried to run but he kept on cutting me off until he had herded me into a corner. Then he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me to the ground behind him. I rolled a bit until I hit a pile of debris from the building and it fell over, trapping me upside down under a beam. I tried to move it but it was too heavy. I kept trying to squirm out but it was no use. Marshall ran up to Chase to try to stop him but Chase just threw him into the other pups who were trying to stop him. Ty and Ryder were frozen in fear or something else was stopping them from helping. Then Rubble tried to headbutt Chase but he just threw him into a pile of… well rubble which collapsed on top of him trapping him and he yelped in pain. Some of the pups ran over to help while Marshall, Everest, and Zuma tried to stop Chase. Then Chase threw Everest into a pillar, then he did the same with the others then a rumble was heard as I saw a piece of the ceiling fall straight towards Marshall. Everest saw it too and before I could even open my mouth to shout a warning, Everest tackled Marshall to push him out of the way and the chunk of cement hit her in the head, knocking her out.

Marshall: EVE!! NO!!

Marshall rushed over to her and dragged her out of harm's way but I saw blood before I felt something push down on the beam trapping me.

Skye: AUGHHH!!!!

Chase: Well well well. What do we have here? A little trapped Cockapoo.

Then he pushed down harder on the beam and I screamed in pain. Then I saw a brown blur as Zuma pounced on Chase and they both went rolling away. Chase was clawing at him until he kicked him away. Zuma tried to get back up but he just didn't have the strength and he collapsed. Then Rocky charged at him and screamed "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT" he shouted another word but it was cut off by a distant crash but Chase just bit down hard on his leg and flipped him and I swear I heard a crack when he did. Then he bit Tracker on the side and threw him to the ground, biting him everywhere. Then he turned back to me and smiled evilly with blood staining his muzzle and his teeth.

Chase: Your turn.

*Word Count* 501

[DISCONTINUED] RAGE and Grace: The Original Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora