Chapter 9: A battle between friends

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Ryder: we need to tell the others about this *calls pups to the lookout*

All but Skye: Ryder needs us!

The pups rush to the Lookout but somethings off for one Marshall doesn’t trip like usual and Chase and Skye aren’t in the elevator

Ty: Hey where are Chase and Skye?

Zuma: I don’t know dude maybe they are already up there?

Zach: {I hope so}

The pups wait as the elevator slowly makes its way to the top of the tower. When they make it they see that Skye is sitting sadly and Chase is nowhere to be found.

Ryder: Thanks for coming so quickly pups as you've probably already noticed Chase isn't here.

Rocky: Where is he?

Ryder: That's why I called you here. Chase ran away, and we have no idea where he is, and that's not the only problem. He's also sick and needs to be found fast.

Zach: How?

Ryder: What do you mean how?

Zach: I mean isn't he our spy pup?

Skye: What does that have to do with anything?

Zach: That means if he doesn't want to be found we can't find him.


All the other pups and even Ryder took a step back from her, but Zach stood his ground.

Zach: I'm just saying maybe he just needs some space. I think we should leave him alone for a little bit and maybe he'll come back.

Skye growls at him.

Skye [Still angry]: And you call yourself his friend.

Zach [Now mad]: Now listen here we could risk pushing him farther away, and that's a risk I'm not willing to take. I say we give him space.

Ty: We need to find him first then we give him space then at least we know where he is and that he's safe

Zuma: Zach has a point though.  If he doesn't want to be found then he won't be.
Rocky: That's a lie all we need to do Is look.

Zach[sarcastically]: *rolls eyes* For what a ghost?

Skye: He's not a ghost, he's your friend.

Rubble[Sarcastically]: Yeah or did that slip your mind?

Zach [angerly] What was that you little-


Everyone's head snaps to Ty

Ty: I swear to God I am not doing that that's my watch {STUPID AUTO CENSORING WATCH}

Everest: But you're not wearing a watch you're a pup

Ty: Right my pup-tag sorry

Marshall: Anyways. I agree with Ty. We NEED to look for him and if he needs space then we give him space then at least we know where he is and that he's safe.

Zach: And risk pushing him away? No way José

Tracker and Everest walk in and see all the pups arguing

Eve and Tracker: what’s going on here?

Skye tells them what’s happening

Tracker: I agree with Zach when I’m angry I need to be alone or I get violent

Everest: I hate to go against you Skye but I have to go with Zach on this one

Zach: Thank you!

Ty: I’m siding with Skye on this one friends don’t abandon friends {and no one NO ONE messes with Skase. Not on my watch}

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