Chapter 89: A Bad Dream?

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*Chase's POV*

Chase: Ugh my head.

I groaned and opened my eyes to see… nothing. I stood up fast and looked around, but all I could see was… darkness.

Chase: Skye?? Marshall? Everest? Ty? Hello? ANYONE!?!?? *Sigh* There's no point. I'm all alone.

Skye: You're not alone. I'm here.

Chase: SKYE!!!

I turned around and saw her standing there and I ran up to her and hugged her tight

Skye: {Don't worry Chasey. I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you}

Then out of nowhere, I heard a voice.

????: Ha, can you believe that? A German Shepherd with a Cockapoo as his mate?

???: Yeah, I know right? A big strong police dog MATES with a small, weak, pathetic, ugly, show dog?


Rocky: Yeah!!

Chase: Tha-

Rocky: It is pathetic.

Chase: Wh- What?

Rocky: A dog like him has no place with a pup like her.

Then Zuma stepped out of the shadows and stared straight at me.

Zuma: Why is he second in command anyways?

Rubble: Yeah. Just because he got there first doesn't mean he should be above all of us.

Zuma: I know right? And that megaphone he always wakes us up with is so annoying.

Marshall: Yeah, why can't he just let us sleep?

Tracker: Why do you spend so much time with him, amigo?

Marshall: I guess I just feel pity for him. He took something that happened in our past and I guess I've always felt bad for him.

Chase: No… not him too. My brother…

Everest: And he's so bossy too.

Rocky: And he always acts so serious all the time and he doesn't even care if any of us are in danger. The only one he cares about is Skye.

Everest: I know!! What's up with that?

Marshall: Maybe he likes her.


Suddenly their laughter turned almost demonic and maniacal. Then all of a sudden I heard the screech of a big bird. And the biggest eagle I had ever seen swooped down and carried Skye away in its talons.

Chase: SKYE!!!!!

Then the scene changed to me and Skye walking down the street but everyone was yelling at us.

???: Go home you freaks!!

???: German Shepherds and Cockapoos can't be mates.

???: You shouldn't even be friends.

???: Your families should be ashamed of you

Then all my friends stepped out of the shadows and surrounded me.

Rocky: You're weak

Rubble: Soft

Tracker: Dumb

Zuma: Annoying

Everest: A loser

Marshall: A coward

Then Skye stepped out and I tried to run to her but I just passed right through her then she pushed me to the ground.

Skye: PATHETIC! I thought I loved you but I was wrong. I thought you could protect me but you can't even protect yourself!

Chase: Skye… please…

Skye: NO! YOU ABANDONED ME!! YOU LEFT ME!!! YOU DON'T DESERVE LOVE!!! Goodbye and good riddance. FREAK!

Suddenly the world all faded to black as I felt something burning in my chest. Their words echoed in my head, each insult making the burning feeling grow stronger.  I slowly started growling softly as I felt my anger slowly take over.  I heard footsteps behind me and I snapped around to see him.

Ronen:  Well well well.  They finally rejected you.

Chase: Leave me alone!!!!

Ronen:  Me and you aren’t so different you know.

Chase:  We are nothing alike.

Ronen: We are.  We were rejected by the one we trusted most. OUR OWN BROTHER TURNED AGAINST US!!! Shunned for who we are. Rejected for our ability.

I hated it but he was right, and I felt my heart sink as sadness flowed into me and regret loomed over me. I felt Ronen pat my head softly. I looked up at him, tears swelling in my eyes. 

Ronen: Let’s prove to them how strong you really are.

I nodded softly and he muttered something I didn’t quite understand and I felt all the guilt, regret, and sadness fade from me leaving the pure burning feeling. ALL my emotions were focused on a single point. I felt nothing but pure R A G E

*Chapter End*

*Word Count: 706*

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