Chapter 44: Secrets of the Past

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Zach began to fiddle with a knife he had summoned twirling the blade in his hand. He felt someone staring at him from his cell door. He flicked the knife at the door and the person caught the blade with two fingers. The faint red glow illuminated his face. It looked like Ty except for the tear stream like scars running from his eyes. Zach groaned in annoyance.

Zach: If I didn't talk to Azreal what makes you think I'll speak to you Ronen?

Ronen stepped forward and tossed the knife back in Zach's hands and he leaned his back against the bars.

Ronen: You don't have to speak. I only need you to listen.

Zach: *Scoffs* What's wrong your little plan isn't working.

Ronen let out a deep sigh before slowly sliding down the ground and sitting there.

Ronen: You know Ty isn't all what he says he is right?

Zach: Why should I believe you?

Ronen: You don't have to. I just thought you should know.

Zach looked at the knife and then back at Ronen. This was his chance after all if there was any opportunity to end this all it was now. He let the blade float just above his hand. It moved till it pointed itself towards Ronan. Zach was about to give it the command when he heard something he thought he'd never hear from a killer. Especially one like Ronen. It was a suppressed sob.

Ronen[Strained]: Please?

Part of Zach wanted to believe it was a lie, but he could sense people's emotions, and even if he couldn't the stutters in Ronen's breath and the strain in his voice seemed too genuine to be fake. This was as real as it gets. Zach placed the knife on the floor and sat back to back with Ronen.

Zach:*Sighs* I'm probably going to regret this, but go ahead.

Zach could feel the small wave of relief wash over Ronen.

Ronen: We weren't always at each other's throat in fact there was a time we were so close we even called each other brother. We used to be in a mercenary group together. He was our marksman and unofficial second in command. We didn't have a problem until we were hired by this girl. I think her name was Zeale or something. We were just supposed to get her onto a boat

A few years earlier..

Ronen signalled the men to ready the lines. I looked back at the young girl. Her brown locks seemed barely moved in the light ocean breeze.

Ronen: How do you want it done?

The girl tilted her head in confusion.

Zeale: What do you mean?

Ronen: I prefer a quick clean slit throat, but that's not everyone.

The girl shook her head furiously

Zeale: No, No killing.

Ty: The boys won't be happy about this.

Ronen: They'll manage.


There was a sum of grumbling heard and a few racial slangs were thrown at her, but Ty fixed it with a glare and the rack of his rifle. One of the soldiers said something Ronen didn't catch but the next thing Ronen heard was the sound of suppressed rifle shooting and a body hitting water.

Ty: Anyone else wanna throw that word around?

Ronen laughed while waving his hand. Three men came up with spear guns and shot cabled arrows into the side of the ship.

Ronen: Ty stay here.

Ty: Why?

Ronen: Okay first of all when did you start to question me? Second off, You're a Marksman this is a ship. This is a death sentence for you. And finally we need someone here with the girl.

Ty pointed to the side of the ship and the girl was halfway up the rope.

Ty: That one?

Ronen slugged him playfully, sighed and began to climb the rope the girls left and Ty followed on the other side. They quietly snuck aboard the ship.

Ronen: Alright Ty I need you to take the girl and *He turns to see that Ty and
that Ty and Zeale are gone.* Ty?

He looked around the deck only but still couldn't see them. He then put his finger to his ear and turned on the coms.

Ronen: Has anyone seen Ty?

Two of the soldiers picked up.

Soldier 1: No sir we haven't seen him since we left the boat.

Solder 2: Yeah we just assumed he was with you. We'll tell you if we find him. Right Martin? Martin? Where'd you go?

There was a snap followed by a thud as the coms fell silent. Ronen felt a small wave of panic flooding over him. His best friend, no brother, was lost on the ship with something very dangerous.

*Chapter End*

A/N: Hey guys I am so sorry for not updating for a while. I couldn't think of a way to finish this chapter and my Co-author DreadWolf676 was dealing with.... Personal stuff but he came in clutch and finished it. Thanks bro.

Word count: 853

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