Chapter 60: Shattered Reality

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*Everest's POV*

I woke up to a loud crash.  I jolted awake and looked around, and the whole world was different. The pup house I had fallen asleep in was totaled. There were holes in it. Bullet holes. I stepped out and looked up and a red sky I looked down towards Adventure bay. An army of soldiers all dressed in Black in full swat like gear marching the town. I felt the panic rush into me but I fought it off. I decided to look around for clues as to what happened. I wandered around the lookout until I came across a crudely made graveyard in the back.  In it were 11 crudely made graves with a man facing away from me but towards the graveyard.

Everest:  Hello?

The man looked over his shoulder and down at me.  It took me a second to realize who it was.  Zach looked back at me and I gasped a little. His normally emerald green eyes that were usually filled with happiness and joy were now a crimson red and had tears sealing in them with deep bags under his eyes.

His hoodie and Jeans were covered in dried blood, dirt, and ashes. His white hair was a brownish black and all matted up, and looked at me his usually cocky smile replaced by a fake one that most could see through.

Zach: So you finally came to finish me after all, hey Ronen?

I opened my mouth to speak but was taken back by the dog that walked through me.  It looked like some of its body was glitching like crazy.

Ronen:  You know the game better than anyone Zach.

Ronen transformed into a human and drew out his sword.  I looked at the familiar light blue glow and stared.  Zach took out his sword and looked at it.  He spun it a few times and Ronen got into his stance.  Zach looked at Ronen and scoffed before tossing the blade to the side.

Zach: You remember what Eret said before he died? 

Ronen:  I do. 

Zach reached behind his neck and took off his collar and looked at it before smiling softly as he started to cry.

Zach:  It was never meant to be.

Ronen got out of his stance and walked over to Zach before placing his hand on Zach's shoulder.

Ronen:  I'm sorry you were last.

Before Zach could respond Ronen drove the sword deep into Zach's gut and Zach slowly collapsed to his knees and Ronen bent down with him. I saw the red fade out of Zach's eyes as they turned back to their normal emerald green shade before completely draining life. 

I watched in absolute terror and Ronen pulled the sword out of Zach causing him to completely fall limp and onto the ground.Ronen wiped the blood off of his sword before walking away.  I stared at Zach's lifeless body before a glimmer caught my eye.  I looked over a tag.  My tag. I walked over and looked in disbelief that his name was carved into the wooden cross.  I then began down the row.  Reading them aloud.

"Everest, Skye, Chase, Zuma, Rocky, Rubble, Ryder, Ty, Marshall."

I stared at that last one for a while. Before the realization hit me, and the world began to fade to black. In the Blackness I saw a heart shaped thing glowing a bright Cyan. I went up to it and eventually curiosity took over and I touched it.  A strong electrical current shot through my body when I suddenly blacked out.

*Chapter End*

Word count: 600

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