Chapter 69: 🎵 Crawling Through the Vents🎵

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*Rose's POV*

As I was climbing through the vents although I've only been doing this for about two weeks it's felt like years. I've memorized most of the vents but have yet to find an exit. I was about to start crawling back to Zach but I heard voices. 

????: Well I hope someone comes soon.

I pawed at the grate a few times before knocking it down and crawling down. I looked up and saw the brown pup from before and a blonde cockapoo. The grate made a loud crashing sound as it hit the floor. The blonde cockapoo jumped behind the shepherd in fear as the Shepherd got into a defense stance ready to protect her.
I poked my head out of the vent.

Rose: Hi there. Trying to escape?

Chase: Hello again Rose.

Skye: Who are you?! [To Chase] How do you know her?

Chase: I met her and Buck after… you know what.

She stared at him for a moment and tilted her head.

Chase: Nevermind. Yes we are, do you have a way?

Rose: If you can get up here then yes.

Chase: Skye go with her.

Skye: What!? No! I'm staying here with you. I'm not leaving. And besides I can't get up there.

Chase: I could throw you up there.

Skye: Uhhh… is that a joke or…

Chase: No I could literally throw you up there if Rose could catch you.

I thought about this for a moment before nodding.

Rose: Yeah she seems light enough. 

She looked at Chase and smiled nervously.

Skye: You're not serious about this are you?

Chase: Of course not. 

He gave me a small nod and I stepped back and braced a bit as he grabbed Skye by her collar And tossed her up to me.  I caught her and pulled her into the vent.  I looked at her and seemed both shocked and confused.

Rose:  Hey you okay girl? Like are you still with me or?

Skye:  I was in a cell half a second ago

Rose: Well now you're with me. Come on, we have to go back to me and Z's cell before the guards come to give us dinner.

She nodded and we started our journey back to my cell. Along the way I got curious about how she ended up here and luckily she began to explain it all.

*Chapter End*

Word Count: 401

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