Chapter 10: After the Battle

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They all looked at each other and then back outside only to realize that they weren't there

Zuma: Umm We have a pwoblem.

Ryder: What is it?

Tracker: They’re gone.

Marshall: WHAT? *NANI*

Rocky: Where'd they go?

Their question was answered when the elevator bell rang and they saw Ty helping support Zach.  All the pups just stared at them.

Ty: Can I get a little help?

Ryder rushed over and helped Ty carry Zach into the room. They set Zach down on one of the bean bags. Then Marshall bandaged Zach’s wound.

Ty: I can heal him but not right now because it would probably kill me

Rubble: Why?

Ty: We can heal each other and ourselves but it takes a LOT of energy-

Rubble: How much?

Ty: I'd probably stop existing

Zach [weakly]:  I just need to sleep it off

Ty: Last time you did that you died

Zach: Only for five minutes

Ty: The answer’s no.  Now Marshall do you have something to clean this up with so it doesn't get infected.

Marshall: Yeah give me a minute.

Rocky: I'll help

Ryder: Neither of you pups can reach the first aid kit.

Marshall, Rocky, and Ryder exit the room leaving just Rubble, Tracker, Everest, and Skye with Ty and Zach.

Ty: Did you really have to throw me through the window?

Zach: Did you really have to try and turn me into a shish-kabob?
Ty: Ah Touché

Ryder: *enters room* speaking of which you owe me for breaking the window

Ty: I can fix that

Ty’s eye glows blue again and as he raises his hand the glass shards start to shake and glow blue as they float back into place then Zach chucks a tube of “NEW Flex Paste CLEAR” at Ty and he catches it and uses it to fix the window

Ty: There all fixed

Ryder [skeptical]: Is that going to hold? You just fixed a window with glue

Zach:*changes back to his pup form* Ty can always just throw me at it.

Ty: Ok

Ty raises his hand again and Zach is encased in a blue glow and starts to rise into the air


Ty then flings his hand forward and Zach flies towards the window… and stops right before hitting the glass. Zach opens one eye and sees that he’s safe then opens the other and lets out a sigh of relief.

Ty [LAUGHing]: Did you really think I would do it?

Zach: I did it to you.

Ty: That doesn’t mean I'd do the same.

Ty put his hand down and the blue hue disappeared and Zach fell to the ground.
Zach: {Jerk}

Ty: What was that.

Zach: Jerk

Ty: Wanna go again

Zach: No I want to sleep

Ty: Good. I don’t want to fix another window

Zach: I’m way too tired for this. Peace. *passes out*

Ty chuckles and uses his powers to place Zach on a bean bag.

Everest: Do you guys fight like that all the time?

Ty: Hmm yeah pretty much

Tracker: How have you not died yet?

Ty: I actually lost count of how many times we ended up in the hospital, because of our fights.

Rubble: And you guys are still friends?

Ty: Well when we disagree on something we always find some sort of middle ground, but when we don't *points at Zach* this happens.  And when that doesn't work we usually just never talk about it again.

Marshall: So who won this one?

Ty: No one, but he's gonna be asleep for a while so I say we go with my idea.

Skye: *face paws* I’m a horrible pup. I forgot about Chase

Zuma: No you awe not we fowgot too

Everest: hey it's ok you were distracted by the fight. In fact we all were

Ryder: Don’t worry guys we’ll find him

Ty: well If you’ll excuse me I’m gonna heal Zach then crash. But you might want to go outside in case it backfires.

Rocky[concerned]: Backfires? What do you mean? How bad is it?

Ty: Just a shockwave of energy that could potentially wipe Adventure Bay off the maps for good

Ryder [concerned]: Ok. Come on pups. We should wait outside

Ryder and the pups leave the lookout and Ty’s paws glow green as he heals Zach without it backfiring then turns back into his pup form and falls asleep on a bean bag

*End chapter*

Word count: 757

Meme/obscure reference count: 4

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