Chapter 42: The Pack

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As Chase and Buck began to walk through the forest they came to an old junkyard. 

Chase: What is this place?

Buck: This my friend is home.

They walk inside and as Chase walks through the junkyards he can feel the unwanting eyes on him.  The deeper into the junkyard they went the more eyes chase felt on him. 

Chase: Where are we going?

Buck: To the Alpha's den.

Chase: What do we need with the alpha?

Buck: You are going to tell him what happened there.

Chase: Wait what? Why me?
I have a bad history with meeting alphas ya know.

Buck: What do you mean? What happened?

Chase: I broke his leg and almost killed him.

Buck scoots away slightly.

Buck: Why did you do it?

Chase: His pack killed my mate’s family and tried to kill us.

Buck: Oh, well that's understandable.  He's a lot different I'm sure.

Chase: Alright

The two walked down to a decent sized den made from scrap. Chase looked around in amazement. 

Chase:  Wow this is amazing.  How'd you do it?

Buck: I don't know I wasn't here when they made it.

???: It took about two years, but with a help from an old friend we made it happen

Chase turned to see a wolf.  His fur was pitch black and he had a scar across his face.

Buck: *bows his head*  Midnight.

Midnight: Buck. Where's my sister?

Buck: *nervously* I um She-She's been

Midnight: [Growling] BUCK!?! WHERE IS SHE?!?!

Chase:  *jumping between them* It wasn't his fault.

Midnight: *backs off*  Elaborate pip squeak. 

Chase: There were five of them. They had taken us by surprise and they got her in the chaos.  She's still alive, but we need help to get her back. 

Midnight: Five what?

Buck opened up his mouth but Midnight snapped at him before he could even speak. Buck stepped back and began whining in fear.

Chase: Red wolves.

Midnight: You said there were five and you were taken by surprise. 

Chased nodded

Midnight:  Alright.  *turns around and starts walking*  Follow me and Buck quit your whining before I make you whimper.

Buck and Chase began to follow him.

Chase: I thought you said he was different from the other wolf alphas.

Buck: He is.

Chase: How?

Midnight: Unlike most I give a *conveniently loud crash that drowned out what he said*  I won't let any of my pack get hurt. Not without repercussions. 

They had their way deep inside the junkyard den and came to a part that had a large worn piece of cloth covering it.

Midnight: *takes a quick look around before turning to Buck*  Are you hurt, Bucky? 

Buck: No, I'm fine.

Chase:  What's with the change in personality all of a sudden

Midnight:  If anyone here knew I had a soft spot for my sister or her mate there'd be those who take advantage of it.

Chase:  You sure are paranoid about being overthrown. 

Buck and Midnight look at each other in a solemn yet terrifying silence before turning away. 

Midnight: At what part in the forest did she get taken.

Buck: five to ten yards away away from the Tower of Steel.

Chase:  You guys call lookout the tower of steel?
Buck and Midnight: The. WHAT!?!?

Chase: Yeah that’s what it is.  It’s the look out. I used to live there before-

Buck: You used to live there?

Chase: Yeah I lived there most of my life.  I ran away a few months ago after an…..incident.

Midnight: What happened?

Chase: That’s not important. What is important is that I know the people there.  Now I can’t go back, but I’m sure if you ask they’ll help you.

Buck: What makes you so sure they’ll help.

Chase: I’ve known them all my life.  Look, if you can’t get them to trust you just tell Skye that Chase sent you and that should at least get you in to talk about it.

Midnight: Okay, but what if we run into some *grows* Humans?

Chase: Leave them be. They most likely won't attack unless they feel like you're going to attack. But.

Buck: But what?

Chase: Everyone there is on edge and the smallest thing might set them off. So be careful.

Midnight: What is going on that's making tensions so high?

Chase: Long story

Buck: Okay

*Chapter end*

Word count: 729

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