Chapter 12: Found

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Meanwhile, Chase was walking away he heard a vehicle coming closer. He looked behind him and saw it was Rocky's truck “Oh no, I better hide my scent” he thought as he ran through a river and started to leave Adventure Bay and headed for Foggy bottom. Not long after he entered the woods he saw eyes in the darkness. Then a full pack of wolves come out of the shadows.

AW: Well Well Well. What do we have here?

W2: It looks like we meet again pup

Chase: {Oh Shit} I’m not afraid of you

W3: Are you sure about that?

W4: Hey pup, Where’s your little girlfriend?

Chase: You leave her out of this

W5: Do you really think you can defeat all of us

Chase: I don’t care if I die. But you are going to pay for what you did to her family

W6[sarcastically]: Ohh I’m sooo scared.

Chase: *growls* You better be

AW: Scared of what? You?


Chase had had enough he roared as he leaped towards the alpha wolf surprising him. Chase rammed his head Into the alpha's chest, sending him back a bit. The alpha scoffed. He struck chase with one of his massive paws.  Chase hit the ground with a loud thud.  Chase slowly stood back up again.

Alpha: Just die kid it's gonna be a lot less painful.

Chase jumped forward and bit the Alpha on his leg.  The Alpha howled in pain and slung Chase into a tree.

Alpha: Kill that mutt!

Chase could barely stand, but he rose anyway. Then all the wolves start attacking Chase who then starts to feel sick and falls again then he loses control. Then all the wolves surrounding him then he got back up and his eyes were blood red. The wolves backed up in surprise and shock then Chase let out a loud howl, followed by a savage like growl.

*Ty’s pov*

Ty and Rocky where following Chase’s scent when they heard a loud how

Rocky: What was that?

Ty: Any chance that was Chase?

Rocky: Maybe but Chase has never howled like that. Or at all as far as I know.

Ty: Well I know for a fact that is not a wolf's howl.  Come on let's go.

Rocky nodded and they both dashed off towards the source of the strange howl. When they got there they saw Chase fighting off a pack of wolves and he was winning?? against a pack of wolves!?

Ty: We should probably hide

Rocky: Agreed

The two ducked into a boosh to hide from them.

Rocky: What kind of wolves are those?

Ty: Red wolves

Rocky: As opposed to white wolves?

Ty: I would slap you right now but I don't want to give away our position.

Rocky: Should we help him?

Just then they heard a snap and a loud yelp and then turned to see that Chase had broken one of the wolves’ legs.

Ty: Nah he's got this.

They both scooted further into the Bush as to not be seen.  Chase had finally beaten all the wolves back including the alpha. It had ended with Chase's paw on the alpha's neck

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