Chapter 65: The Aftermath

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*Midnight's POV*

Skye: W-Wolves.

The pup passed out right there. I managed to catch her by her collar and set her down gently.   I looked at the gate guards and Marvin looked egar while Saffron looked worried. 

Midnight:  Marvin get her inside and to my den and get Bucky. Saffron, you're coming with me, we need to find the others.

Marvin groaned a bit but carried out my order and Saffron fell behind as I made my way into the forest.  I made my way to the flower patch I didn't  see much and I was about to leave before I heard some snarling and some screaming.

?????: WHERE ARE THEY!? 

There was a yelp and I quickly ran to the sound and saw Chase had pinned down an injured red wolf, and was questioning it. I came up behind him, but after last time I kept my distance.  I shook the memory out and snapped back to reality.  He sounded mostly there and I didn't really have a choice.

Midnight: CHASE!

His head snapped to me and his eyes were a brownish red. He looked back down at the wolf who had passed out not too long ago.  He sighed and lifted his paw off the wolf and turned to me.

Chase:  They have them.

Midnight: Who?

Chase: Rocky, May, Preach, hell they even got Ty.

Midnight: Skye is safe. She made her way back to the den.

The red in his eyes faded and they returned to a dark shade of brown. I let out a low sigh of relief and stepped forward.

Midnight:  Follow me and I'll take you back to the den and to where your mate is.

Chase blushed a little bit then nodded and looked down at the unconscious wolf.

Chase: What about him?

Midnight: As of now. This is war. Saffron, you know what to do with him.

She nodded and Chase came up and walked beside as we made our way back to the den.

Chase:  Is Skye okay?

Midnight: I think so.  She was a little cut up and she slammed into me pretty hard, but other than that she just seemed extremely exhausted.  How are you so far behind? I thought you were faster than she was. 

Chase chuckled a bit and smiled.

Chase: So did I but when she saw those wolves chasing us. She took off like I've never seen before. It was like she was there and the poof.  In the blink of an eye she was gone.

I nodded as we made the walk back to the scrap yard. I made my way to my den and sure enough there she was fast asleep. Chase looked at me and I knew what he wanted so I nodded and left. I was looking around when I heard running from behind. I turned around and it was Saffron. She looked more worried than before.

Midnight: What's wrong?

Saffron: It's Preach. He's dead.

*Chapter end.*

Word count: 500

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