Of course, he was. Otherwise Jason wouldn't have said it. Jason it's the type of person to waste his word on faulty advise. He knew I could fight. But he'd also read Hunter's mind. That mean that he'd seen every thought he needed to see to know that Hunter was dangerous. Jason probably knew why Hunter had been hiding his identity for so long. 

That's probably was concerned me the most. What was he really hiding?

I didn't have much time to ponder on it before Hunter went up the stairs. He went down the hall and I meandered into a small room. I could immediately tell that it was Daisy Lynn's.

Her room wasn't really anything special. It was much smaller than her room back at our house. She had a twin sized bed and a small closet. There was a small dresser. The window in her room was cloudy and covered in dirt. There was a crack in it so that I could feel the frigid breeze from outside, come gusting in. 

She had to be miserable living in this house.

I wanted to rip it from its foundations. I wanted it to crumble into pieces in my wake. 

I walked over to the window and put both of my hands against the ledge as I looked outside. Idly, I wondered how many times Daisy Lynn had done this. How many times she'd looked out this very window in despair and agony. She probably thought she would never get away from him. Her father was al she had, and he treated her like shit. Like she was nothing. Like she was replaceable.

That was no way a father should treat his daughter.

Infuriated, I let go of the window sill. I needed air. I needed space. Otherwise, I'd lose it. I knew I needed to get a grip on my emotions, but for some reason I couldn't. For some reason it felt like I wanted to be angry. It was like I was looking for a reason to...to....

I didn't know what exactly. But I knew it wasn't good. Whatever this feeling was, it wasn't good at all.

Hunter and Jason entered the room as I whipped around to walk out. Hunter's eyes were faintly glowing again. Jason's eyes never glowed. But his light brown eyes focused in on my dark ones as I walked toward the door. It felt like he wanted to say something, but he never did. I didn't know why. He could communicate telepathically without Hunter hearing.

Hunter walked past me like I wasn't even there, but when I got close to Jason he grabbed my arm. 

Get a grip, he said.

I'm trying, I replied exasperatedly.

I felt a tugging sensation as he sorted through my recent memories.

No you aren't. You're allowing yourself to get this way. His tone was almost accusatory. I tried to snatch my arm away, but he used his power to stop me.

Let me go. I snapped. I didn't need his constant warnings. His constant concern. I tugged again, but Jason kept it up. I knew that my eyes were glowing when they met his. He didn't back down. 

Chronicles of the Unknowns: GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now