37. Will you be my.....?

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Yoon Su has taught him how to splash whatever the thing feeds to him out. His new invention has annoyed both parents as they were very worried about him having the necessary potion in each mealtime.

"Don't be a brat little man. See you making mommy worried".
Yoongi said to his son who was singing a gibberish song in his baby language happily waving his rubber spoon over his head after spilling food out more than he swallows.

Yoon Su wiggles on his high chair making grabby hands to Jimin when he pinches his cheek with a fake frown.


"Nope, I am not gonna take you, wait for your appa".

"Hyung can you take him out I need to clean the kitchen before they come".

"Yeah sure".

Yoongi picked the little man to take him to the bathroom.


"Yes, yes bubble. Wait sunshine, don't be a bad boy you will slip out of my hands at this rate".


"Don't worry love, I am just saying it".

"See your mama has rabbit ears. So stay still, appa needs to rub your hands and legs you really enjoy playing with your food".

At the end of YoonSu's bathing session, Yoongi was the one who wet than the baby. But he enjoys doing duties of fatherhood. Play with him, feed him, bathe him, handle his tantrums, take Yoon Su to his medical appointments and spoil him with everything even though Jimin scold him, Yoongi really enjoys those little things.

The naked little man was walking on the bed holding the headboard not letting his worried father get him to dress in his comfy onesie and fluffy socks.

"Why he is only wearing socks?"

"You don't know honey, he hates getting dressed up, I barely even put those on". Jimin laugh seeing how YoonSu was still naked only wearing his baby socks which have two embossed bunnies on them and how Yoongi panting in his damped clothes.

"Go and change honey I'll dress up him".

"They were expecting a few visitors today. Yoongi saw how excited Jimin was since the morning making many snacks and food to serve them.


"Papa, I dwess alone".

Jungkook ran to the living room in his wrongly buttoned-up furry jacket and two different socks which he tough will look good on him.

Namjoon catches the running man in his arms tickling the boy making him giggle out loud. They had gotten closer to each other in a special way in the past few days. It was not just an artificially initiate one. Alpha found he truly starts to adore the little boy who innocently looks up to him. His heart starts to react to the little boy in the same way it does feel for his own child. Namjoon didn't make or ask Jungkook to call him appa. He didn't push him to get closer to him. Instead, he is determined to wait until Jungkook naturally feels he is worthy to be called his appa.

"It's twiklish".

The boy has boop Namjoon's nose as he needs to stop him.

"Let me help you, buddy. See we have to button the shirt from the bottom so you won't get lost in the middle of doing it". He makes sure the little one is wearing it properly before seeing how he uniquely choose his socks.

"Koo, it's cute but shall we put on matching ones ?. I really love how you choose it, but let's change it for the day since we are going out okay?"

Boy turn his doe eyes to alpha who was holding him between his arms.

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