5. silence

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"Son believe me that whore left you".

"Don't call him that! my Jimin is innocent I don't believe you dad. Please tell me did you send him away?"

"What are you talking Yoongi?"


"Mind your language Min Yoongi!!!"

"Yes, I hired two men to follow him from the day I got to know you are living with that shit".

"Dad, please!"

"Listen, you moron".

"If you can't believe your own father then just take a look. I am shame of you and your choices. That orphan bites the hand that feeds him".

"He wasn't getting enough from you, behind your back he slept with men for money".

As Dong Woo finishes his words Yoongi starts to laugh hysterically like a maniac.

"Dad, you are spilling nonsense my Jiminie can't at least look directly into my eyes. He is such a innocent person so how he........? You are trying to make me hate him".


Namjoon knows this is getting worst and proving it to him Don Woo had slapped hard against Yoongi's face.

"Come to your sense and take a look for the sake of god. Yoongi that twink is sleeping with men for money. This is what my men send to me".

Dong Woo had barked at Yoongi throwing the bunch of photographs against his face even before Yoongi got to see those angry parents has left the room signaling guards not to let him out.

* * * * *

"Martha where is Tae?"

"Young master is sleeping in his room sir."

"Did he eat?"

"He did but he is upset all day''.

Namjoon keeps his bag aside taking quick steps to reach Taehyung's room.
Four years old boy was curling on his soft bed hugging his favorite stuffed toy.

Namjoon knew his son wasn't sleeping and he was just faking it to avoid him.

"Hello, big boy appa came home. Why my Tae bear is all quiet today?"

"Four years old turned to the other side turning his little back to his worried father".

"Come on big boy... appa will be sad if my baby bear didn't talk to me".

"But the boy was keeping quiet".

"Okay, you are not talking to me then I'm gonna leave".

Namjoon took a few steps faking his leave to get his son's reaction.

"Appa don't leave me I promise to be a good boy. Don't leave Taetae, please........"

Namjoon freeze on the spot hearing his child's shaky voice.

Boy's eyes were all teary but the look on his eyes was empty and Namjoon can't read it.

"Tae, why are you crying? Appa is just joking son come here".

Namjoon picked his silently crying boy hugging his little frame protectively pressing his one cheek on the boy's crown.

"Tae you know you are the appa's biggest treasure, you are the only reason your appa living for, I never gonna leave you, son. Appa loves you so  much . I am sorry for not taking you out to play, appa is so sorry for not picking you from school. But you are all I have baby so don't cry".

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