24. What if

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"How is he? Please let me go in".

Calm down mister please wait outside doctors are still checking him.

Yoongi who was with a ripped collar and messy hair walk up and down in front of the hospital room. His face mirror one another different, rapidly changing chain of emotions.

Min Yoongi was a total mess, his knuckles were still bleeding and his face was scratched. But it looks like he doesn't have any clue about that. Alpha's light blue shirt was printed with blood.

Not only by one person's but two. His sleeve hems are stained with Taemin's blood and his shirt hems are soaked with Jimin's blood.

Though anyone didn't hear what alpha was continuously mumbling his silent prayers kept going on throughout the waiting time which he felt eternity.

"Excuse me, sir.....!"


Yoongi who was intertwined in his own set of feelings gasped hearing his PA's call.

"Oh....yes Museol".

"Sir Mr. Akio is here".

"Alpha's brown orbs immediately changed its colour to a darker shade hearing the mentioned name".

"Tell him not to contact me until I contact him. And also inform the crew at the campsite we gonna stop the process until further notice".

"Okay, sir".

"Another thing tell my secretary not to send any of those fucking apologizing letters under my letterhead to them without my knowledge. Especially mentioned to her not to do it even though my father ask".

"Museol has nod knowing he shouldn't ask any questions back at the moment".

"Museol wait".

"Yes sir .......?"'

"Contact my lawyer and ask him to visit my house in Gwangmyeong within the next two days. And don't let anyone know where I am off to or follow me, once I am leaving the hospital. Okay?"

"Clear sir".The young personal assistant has taken all to his mind knowing what he should do next.

"Sir I readied a private room for him as you asked".

"Okay good. Did you do it under your name?"

"Of course, as you instructed".

Alpha has sent his assistant away thanking him for his assistant.

But still, he wasn't in his right mind. His slightly trembling hands and sweaty forehead express how shocked and terrified he is at the moment.

He has waited another thirty minutes in front of the room where doctors checking Jimin.

"Park Jimin's guardian? "


"Please come in".

Yoongi has rushed inside the room with a thudding heart.

"Please take a seat".

"Doctor, how is he? Is he okay? Did he get his consciousness?"

"You are Mr..........?"


"Okay first of all please calm down Mr.Min. We have checked him. He was fainted due to the pain and shock. Though he hasn't had any severe external injuries the injury that happens internally is kinda serious and needs more time to heal".

"First of all may I know are you his mate?"

Yoongi has immediately answered as yes moving forward to listen to him carefully.

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