7. Yoon Su

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It was Jungkook's muffled voice. Hoseok was the one who picked Jungkook from his school and he was also oblivious to the reason behind little one's sudden outburst.

Jungkook wasn't the type of kid that easily cry over smaller reasons.

Jimin was putting his 6 month's son to sleep and Jin was resting on the couch as he didn't feel good enough to make the shift at the cafe.

Jin quickly jump from where he was as he heard his son's muffled voice.

"Oh, dear!!!"

"What happens, love?"

Jungkook spread his hands and Jin quickly picked him up wiping his rosy cheeks with thumbs gently.

Today was his 5th day at the new school term.

"Tell me Koo what happens? you are making papa worried".

Jungkook didn't wanna shift his head from Jin's chest any soon.
The little boy was clinging to Jin's arms hiding his face on his chest.

Jin lets him be rubbing his smaller back, after taking a few minutes Jungkook has spoken in a muffled voice.

"Papa, the teacher told Kookie is bad at drawing. But I pwomise I did well".

Jin felt his heart shattered.

From the day he could hold the pencil Jungkook really loves to draw Actually for his young age he is so good at drawing.

But destiny always has its own test for everyone. The little one was born color blind. Actually, it's not like he couldn't identify any color at all. Of course, he can see colors but not in an exact way. He had frequently confused between some colors as a baby and Jin had taken him for medical checkups.

Once Jin got aware of his little boy's condition he has done everything to make his son better. But the treatments cost a lot and with his cafe job he knew he never could afford such expensive lenses for Jungkook and carried out his treatment until he grow up.

Yes, this was the reason Jin was saving for and this is the only reason he was holding onto that job. Jin had such a dark past but he never engaged in any dirty stuff no matter how much he need money after he got Jungkook in his life.

Jin worried a lot after he found Junkook's condition. He knew his son has really loved painting. So he makes sure to work his ass off until he earns enough amount to proceed with Jungkook's treatments further while managing every other expense his own.

Jin hold his tears back watching the drawing Jungkook placed on his hands. It was a beautifully drawn picture for his little age. But the whole picture was a mess as Jungkook had colored it with confusing colors. Above all what made Jin cry was what he draw there.

The title was my family at the beach.

"Papa my friends laugh at me. They said Koo has starfishes in my family and the teacher told me I've done bad at coloring".

The little one had drawn him and Jin with two stars take hand in hand standing on the beach.

Letting the paper float on the floor Jin hugged the little frame to his chest kissing his crown sobbing hard.

It was such a painful sight. Jimin was also tearing up while embracing his six months old who was snuggling to his exposed chest more and more searching for warmth.

He never wanna imagine he is going through the same when his son struggles with him asking for his other parent. Unconsciously he mumbled a sorry to his sleeping pup kissing his little head.

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