"Sorry, love. You've been tossing and tuning all night." Fred whispered back.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help but be anxious," I said turning to face Fred.

"Anxious about what? Talk to me," Fred said bringing his hand up to caress my cheek.

"Everything is going to change now, and I don't think it's for the better," I said.

Fred pulled my into a hug.

"No matter what happens, you're always going to have George and I by your side," he said.


We had been at the headquarters for most of the summer. It has honestly been quite boring, we haven't left the house much. The twins have been inventing more things for their joke shop. They had the down payment for a building because Harry had given them his winnings from the TriWizard Tournament. They had been trying to look for a building but it was difficult being stuck in the house all summer.

Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley were going to get Harry this evening. He had apparently used magic in front of his cousin because they were being attacked by dementors. The minister was now trying to kick Harry out if Hogwarts but Dumbledore had requested a trial.

"What are you two doing?" I asked walking into the room.

The twins were sitting on George's bed looking at something.

"Just trying to come up with the last candy to go into our skiving snack boxes," said George.

"And I think we've just got it," Fred said.

"What are we calling this one?" I asked laying across the bottom of the bed on my side.

"We?" the twins said at the same time.

"I have known your guys my whole life and I still think it's weird when you talk at the same time," I said.

"We know," the said at the same time.

"So what's the name then?" I asked.

"Puking Pastilles" George said.

I made a gross face toward the twins.

"Would you like to test them out for us?" said Fred with a smirk.

"Absolutely not," I said, "Harry should be arriving any minute.

"Do you think we'll finally get some answers?" George asked.

"Hopefully I'm so tired of being left in the dark," said Fred.

All of the adults had been keeping us kids in the dark all summer. Molly was very adamant that we didn't need to know too much. We were always sent to our rooms while the Order meeting were going on.

"I think I heard Harry," said George looking over at Fred.

The twins apparated out of the room making me roll my eyes. I got off the bed walking across the hallway to the next room. There was a little tension in the room when I opened the door. Harry was rightfully very confused and angry because he had not been getting any news all summer.

"Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" George asked.

Fred went over to our room grabbing the extendable ear so we could hopefully listen in on the order meeting. We had been trying to do this all summer but only ever got bits and pieces.

We were standing at the top of the staircase as Fred extended the ear down toward the door to the kitchen.

"He's not a child, Molly," we heard someone whisper.

"He's not a adult either!" we heard Molly say, "He's not James Sirius."

"He's not your son," Sirius said back

"He's as good as!" Molly claimed, "Who else has he got?"

"He's got me," said Sirius.

"How touching, Black. Perhaps he'll grow up to be a felon like his godfather," we heard Snape say.

"Oh stay out of this," Sirius responded.

"Snakes apart of the order?" Harry asked.

We all shook our heads in response. Just then Fred directed all of our attention to Crookshanks walking off the bottom step. He started to play with the extendable ear.

"No Crookshanks," whispered Hermione trying to get the cats attention.

He reached up and pulled the ear off of the string walking away with it in his mouth.

"Bad Crookshanks!" said Hermione.

As soon as Crookshanks walked away Molly opened the kitchen door. We all tried to act natural so that she didn't know we were spying on them. We started down the stairs as Molly spoke.

"We'll be eating down in the kitchen," Molly said.

The twins then apparated right behind her making her jump.

"Just because you are allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!" Molly yelled as the twins ran into the kitchen.

We all walked in to the kitchen sitting down to eat. I sat in my usually spot in between Fred and George. We were sitting at the table while Sirius and Harry were talking about his trial and Tonks was changing her face to become different animals.

"Show him. He'll find out soon enough" Mad-Eye said.

Kingsley gave Harry a paper with the heading that said "The Boy Who Lies?"

"He's been attacking Dumbledore too," Sirius said, "Fudge has been using all of his power, including his influence of the Daily Prophet to smear anyone who believes the dark lord has returned."

"Why?!" asked Harry

"The Minister thinks Dumbledore is after his job," Remus said.

"That's insane! No one in their right mind could think Dumbledore-

"Exactly the point. Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear," Remus said cutting off Harry, "Now fear makes people do terrible things, Harry. Last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now that he's returned I'm afraid the Minister is going to do almost anything to no faze out."

"We think Voldemort is trying to build up his army again. 14 years ago he had huge numbers at his hands. Not just witched and wizards but a number of creatures. He's been recruiting and we've been attempting to do the same, but gathering followers is not the only thing he's interested in," Sirius said, "We believe Voldemort may be after something."

"Sirius," Mad-Eye said trying to get Sirius to stop talking.

"Something he didn't have last time," Sirius continued.

"You mean like a weapon," Harry asked.

"No, that's enough," Molly said trying to stop the conversation, "He's just a boy. You say anything else you might as well induct him into the order!"

"Good! I want to join," Harry said, "If Voldemort is raising an army I want to fight."

Sirius threw up his hands in a "see I told you" motion sitting back in his chair.

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