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"Did you want some new clothes for today?" I asked Karter. "No thanks. I'm fine in these pajamas for now." "Alright, pajama day it is then." I flopped onto the bed Karter was borrowing. "Don't you have to go back to school soon?" Karter asked sitting in the chair at my desk. "You think I'll leave you?" "No-I didn't mean." "I know." I cut Karter of. "Going back to school feels like leaving you tho." I sat up on the bed and looked at Karter. "Besides I think we'll switch schools soon, no point in going back to that one." I smiled.

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"You sure you don't want to play with me?" Karter asked loading up Minecraft on my computer. "I'm fine, you need to learn how to play better." Karter frowned at me while I smiled. "Besides I've got to test the group chat, and catch up on Grian videos." "You just making up excuses," Karter said smiling. "You need to learn how to play on PC, and stop dying all the time." "I don't get you." Karter sighed shaking their head.

"Why would you even need to learn anyway? It's not like I have a computer or can play with you." Karter said confused. An idea popped into my head.

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"Can you hear me now?" I asked Karter. "Yeah." I heard them say through the headphones on my head. "But it says your name is Philza?" I chuckled. "I'm on my dad's computer." I said loading up Minecraft. "Oh." Karter said surprised. "That's a good idea." "Thanks."

"Now join the DreamSMP so I can show you my base." I said joining the server. "Alright." It went silent until they joined. "I'm in." They said in a deeper voice. "You're in." I also said in a deep voice.

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"Uh, Alex?" Karter asked. "Yeah?" "Someone whispered to me asking if you were free?" "Who was it?" "A Wilbur Soot." "Alright, I'll just message him on this account. Don't worry about it." "Alright."

You whispered to WilburSoot: Yo I'm on dads account a friend is on mine
WilburSoot whispered to you: Ok so are you free?
You whispered to WilburSoot: What do you think?
WilburSoot whispered to you: Fair point
You whispered to WilburSoot: Talk to you later
WilburSoot whispered to you: See ya

"So you know Wilbur soot too?" Karter asked me. "Yeah, I basically know all of them." "That's so cool." "Thanks." I giggled. "So are you like a secret sleepy boy?" Karter asked me. "I guess, I am in a group chat called Sleepy Family and one called Sleepy Kids." "Is it like a second family them?" Karter asked. Oh no, I don't want them to get the wrong idea.

"Not really, cause we all know Phil and each other. It's kind of like one family but not." I tried to explain. "Oh! Like cousins in a way." I said thinking of a good analogy. "Like they are family but not instant family. Cause they live far away and I don't talk to them as much as dad, mom, and you."

It fell silent on both ends of the call. "I'm not jealous." I could barely hear quarter mumble. I lightly giggled. "No your not." I said cheerfully.

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I heard the front door open. "There hear." I told Karter then shut Dad's computer off. I don't think I was supposed to be on his computer anyways.

I ran out of Dad's office into the living room. I heard Karter trying to make their way down the stairs quickly. I went to the stairs to see Karter. They had a worried and excited faces.

When Karter reached the bottom of the stairs I look there hands. "It's alright." I smiled. "Let's go hear what news they brought home." Karter tensed up.

I held Karter's hand and walked us to the living room. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch and seemed to be talking about something in hushed voices.

Mom was the first to notice us. "We brought takeout for lunch." She smiles holding up a brown paper bag. I nodded my head. "So what happened?" I asked getting straight to the point. Karter gripped my hand tightly.

Mom and dad looked at each other then back over at us. "One...Two..." They spoke quietly. "Three..." They spoke a bit louder standing up.

"Welcom to the family Karter!" Mom and dad yelled at the same time.

Confetti was shot into the air and slowly fell to the ground. Mom and dad were each holding a confetti proper in there hands. Mom picked two of the cough and threw them over to me. I had to let go of Karter's hand to catch them.

When I caught them I quickly hoped one over Karter's head. Confetti slowly fell onto there head getting tangled into there hair. I started laughing.

I handed Karter the section confetti proper. They turned to me shocked. Then popped the confetti over my head. I kept laughing, even as conferti fell onto my head.

Karter stared at me, eyes widening as if it was settling in. Karter looked back over to my parents who were standing there smiling us. Then they looked back at me.

Tears started to fall from there eyes. They gripped the confetti proper in there hands as tears started pouring out if there eyes.

I pulled Karter into me they rested there head on my shoulder. I felt tears pricking my own eyes. Mom and dad soon joined the hug. No one said anything. No one needed to.

"W-what a re-relief." Karter sobbed out. "Yeah." I hummed trying not to cry to. I saw dad place a hand on Karter's head. "Welcome to the family." Dad said. "We'll always be here for you." Mom added on. That caused Karter to cry harder.

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