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I rub my eyes as I slowly wake up. When rubbing my eyes I feel something crusty come off. What the? Is this the eye booger stuff people talk about? I slowly sit up and rub the rest of the crust stuff from my eyes.

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What time is it? I look over to my clock but before I can read the time I close my eyes to yawn.

When I yawn I first have to take in a deep breath. But that deep breath hurts me so I stop yawning. Ow... what? I look down at my chest to see where the pain came from. When I see my chest I remember what happened last night. I remember waking up and how my lungs were on fire. They still kind of hurt along with my chest but at least it doesn't feel like it's on fire anymore.

I look away when I realize I was staring at my chest for too long. I miss my binder already... I look at the clock and see the time. It's only like seven-thirty... well I guess it's kind of early if I count the fact I woke up last night. But that cancels out going to bed early. So really it's not that early. I yawn wincing at the pain it causes me.

I throw my blankets off of me then throw my feet over the side of the bed. I stand up and put my arms over my head to stretch. I stop stretching when I see myself in my full body mirror. I walk closer to the mirror and examine myself. I have her long eyelashes and her naturally red lips. I have a few barely visible freckles just like her. I have her perfectly feminine face, except it's a face meant for girls.

I sigh and sit on the ground in front of the mirror scooting closer to examine my face more. I look just like her, except for the hair and eye color, but I still have the same face as her. Her round nose, round eye shape, lips aren't too small but are slightly bigger in the top and bottom where it puckers out. I have her long and many eyelashes, that sometimes get in my eyes from how long they are, her round face shape, straight hair that's slightly wavy that rounds our faces perfectly.

I touch the face of the mirror then touches my face. It is me... Her perfect face is my face... Her feminine face is mine... "Why do I look like this?" I whisper to myself. "Why am I like this? Why do I care?" I whisper wiping a tear away that was about to leave my eye. No... don't cry, boys don't cry. Men dint cry. So man up. I puff out my chest like a man would do in a movie, then I quickly bring my chest back. I pull my knees to my chest and hug them tight. I slowly rock myself back and forth.

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Someone lightly knocks on the door. I jolt my head up that was resting on my knees. I see myself in the mirror with tears streaming down my face. "You awake kid?" I hear Phil ask. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Y-yeah." I say my through dry. "You good mate?" Phil askes opening the door a crack. "Yeah." I say and jump to my feet. "I'll be down soon." I say. "Ok." Phom says thank he's his footsteps leave.

When Phil walks down the stairs I run to my closet. I take off my shirt and throw on one of the biggest sweaters I own. Then replace my pants with sweatpants. I slip on a pair of fuzzy socks then look in the mirror. I make sure to only glance at my face to see if it looked like I was crying, and it did.

I leave my room and head across the hallway to the bathroom. In there I splash my face with water and dry it. I look in the mirror. Eh, better. I look at my face and- walk out of the bathroom. Nope, not right now.

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"Alex?" I hear my name being called. "Huh?" I snap my head up from the waffle I was eating. "I was wondering how your feeling, of your chest any better?" Kristen askes sitting across from me cutting her waffle. "Uh, yeah it better than last night definitely." I say taking another bite of my waffle.

"Are you ok?" Phil asks out of nowhere. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I ask. "You just seem out of it today." He says then takes a bite of his waffle. "Yeah, guess I'm just sore today." I say.

"Do you think you're able to wear your binder for about an hour?" Phil askes. My mood perks up. "What?" I ask surprised. "Well, let's say you and I went shopping today, for some clothes. Would you be able to wear your binder to try on some clothes for when you're wearing it?" He askes looking at me worried. "Yes!" I say excitedly. "You sure?" He looks at me worried. "It's just an hour right? I'll be fine." I say and put a smile on my face.

Kristen giggles. "Well you two have fun today, I have something to work on at home by myself anyway." "Alright." Phil sighs.

Phil walked into the office then comes back out with my binder. "One hour." He says sternly. I nod my head trying to gran the under but he holds it above my head. "You'll tell me if it starts to hurt right?" He askes looking down at me. "Yes, yes, yes. I will. Now let me have it." I say then jump up and grab my binder hugging it to my chest. I notice a hand in my head. I look up to see Phil smiling down at me.

"Alright, but let's finish breakfast first." Phil says then sits back down at the table. "Fine." I grumble then sit back down in my seat. I place my binder in the empty set next to me. Looks like today will be alright after all. I smile and take a big bite of a delicious heated-up, previously frozen, waffle.

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