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"Do you want to officially meet Phil's friends, as our kid?" "Y-your kid?" I asked still shocked they referred to me as their kid. "S-sure."

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I sat to the left of Phil in a comfy chair who was at his computer, and Kristen was to the right of him in a wooden chair.

"So guys you remember Alex?" Phil asked. "Hi." I said nervously. "Yep." "Hi." "Of course." "No?" Tubbo asked. "Or right Tubbo you haven't net them." Phil said. "Hi, I'm Alex, the one who won bed wars, and you all thought was Phil." "Oh hi, Alex! Well, I'm Tubbo!" He said not yelling like Tommy would.

"Yep, well this is an official meeting then. Like I've said before, nothing I say leave this call, got that?" Phil asked making me nervous. "Yep." "Got it." "Sure." "Why?" Asked Tommy. "Cause this is a serious matter, and I have Kristen here too." "Hey." Kristen said getting multiple welcomes back. "Hey." "Hello." "Oh, hi." "Kristen!"

Phil coughed. "Anyway back on topic." My nerves were getting nervous. "This is Alex, our kid."


"Hold up!"
"Wait what?!"

"Quiet!" Philly yelled making everyone quiet, even me as I held my breath. "Nothung leaved this call." Phil said sternly, I gulped. "Phil." Kristen said placing a hand in his shoulder to calm him down. "Right... sorry." Phil apologized putting his head in his hands, and I breathed again.

The call was silent for a few more seconds before someone spoke up. "I guess Dadza and Momza really are parents." Wilbur said. "Yep." Kristen said happily.

A few more seconds of quiet before I spoke. "Hi." I whisperd. "Hey." Tubbo said. "So, what it like being Phil's kid?" Tommy asked. I glanced at Kristen and Phil then back at the computer. "Good I guess." I mumbled paying with my fingers. "There nice, and good, and cool, they took me in, and are good parents." I said sheepishly looking away from Kristen and Phil.

"Thats cool." Techno said. "I wouldn't expect less from you guys." Wilbur said. "Aww, Alex, your amazing to." Kristen said hugging me in my chair. I was embarrassed so I asked her to stop. "S-stop mom..." How could I mess up asking her to stop, by calling her mom?

"Aw, Alex." Kristen said squeezing me into a hug. "Cant breath." I tapped her back. "Oh sorry." She said letting go of me. "Im just so happy you called me mom." She smiled making me feel good that I called her mom.

"Alright kid." Phil got my attention. "You want to win bedwars again for me?" "Heck yeah." "Thats not fair!" Wined Tommy. "To bad that I'm better than you." "Not true!" "How long have you played mjnecraft?" Asked Tubbo. "A few years I think, I've just always played on Bedrock on an iPad." I admitted.

"Wait, is this you first time on Java edition?" Wilbur asked. "Yeah why?" Maybe I am bad at java. "Techno there already better then you and just started playing!" Wilbur yelled. "Wait I'm the next Techno!" Tommy disagreed. "No your not." Tubbo said. "Im being demoted." Techno said.

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At some point Kristen and Phil left the room and let me continue playing. "So what's Phil like? Does he have a bad side?" Tommy asked when he heard Phil and Kristen leave the room. "No?" I asked confused. "What about any major secrets? Besides you." Tubbo said. "I don't think so. He's just good." I said getting embarrassed.

"Im bored!" Tommy conpailed. "Weve been playing bed wars forever!" "Ambi to good for you?" I asked. "No!" "What if we go on the SMP?" Wilbur asked. "Only if there pro anarchy." Techno said. "What?" I asked confused. "Yeah let's get on!" Tubbo said exited. "Your on Phils account yeah? So join a world named SMP." Techno told me what to do.

When I got on and the game chat said "Ph1LzA joined" everyone in the call yelled and cheared, except techno, he just said. "Good job."

Then in the chat some one said "ItsFundy: hello". "What do I do?" I asked nervously. "Just say hi." Wilbur told me, so I did. "Ph1LzA: hi".

"Alex want to help me make a tower?!" Tommy asked. "Dont do it." Tubbo warned me. "Why?" "Tommy can't build." Wilbur said. "Oh, well I can build. But I'm going to make my own house." I said leaving the house I was in. "Why is there so much snow?!" I asked supposed at how much show was in the ground. "Plil sponproofed the whole fenced in area." Techno told me. "Oh." I said.

"Here." Who I asme was Techno's character gave me some stone and spruce. "You sad your good at building right?" "Yeah?" "Ok."

"Tommy stop!" Tubbo yelled. "No die! That was mine!" Tommy yelled. "But I git it first!" "But I'm broke!" "Your always broke!" 
"Guys stop." Wilbur tried to stop them.

"WilburSoot was slain by Tommyinit" He didn't stop them. "Now look what you've done! You killed Wilbur!" "He got in the way!" "Guys please stop." Wilbur said anoyed.

I chuckled at there buckering as they continued to ignore Wilbur. "Do they do this often?" I asked no one in particular. "Yep." Techno said. "Sure do." Wilbur said.

A ding ran out of the computer.

"Hey guys what are you doing?" An unfamiliar voice asked. "Nothjng!" Yelled Tommy and Tubbo at the same time. I was about to say hi bit got cut of my Wilbur. "Were busy now by!" Another dig came out of the computer. "Thank goodness new gone." Wilbur sighed. "Atleast you two stopped bickering." Techno said causing me to chuckle.

"Who was that?" I asked. "Uh, just another friend." Tubbo said. "Ok." I nodded understanding. Right, Phil didn't tell everyone about me, so id probably be weird.

"Wow, nice house." Techno said. "You think so? Thanks." I said nervous of showing of my building skills. "I tried to keep it similar to your style." "Where?! I want to see why you couldn't help with my tower!" Tommy yelled. "Im just curious." Tubbo said. "Im just going to keep these two under control." Wimbur said. I chuckled at how hard he was trying.

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"Wilbur kicked me out of his call?" The streamer said to his chat that flew by with various things such as.

- lol
- rejected
- get recked
- he aint love u
- he went to go buy milk LOL

"No he didn't leave to buy milk!" The streamer said reading a chat message. "Wait why aren't any of them live?" The streamed asked looking and seeing not one if them was live. "Oh there probably just chilling chat. At least I get to chill with you guys."

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