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It was lunchtime and I still haven't seen Karter at all today. Since Karter wasn't here I decided I was going to try and ask Richard what he was talking to Linsey about at lunchtime.

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"Heyyyy Richard." I said Sitting next to him under the tree. "Hi?" He said, clearly suspicious of me. "Soooo." I said. Richard just looked at me confused. "So?"

"I was looking for you a few days ago. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just heard some yelling, and mentions of the rumors, soooo." I trail of glancing at Richard who was looking at me with no emotion. "I was just wondering what that was about?" I asked looking him in the eye.

Richard sighed placing his sandwich back in its box. "Yoy really want to know?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Fine." Richard sighed again. "That day you saw me yelling at Linsey, was also the day I caught her following me."

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"Why are you following me?" Rivalry asked not turning around. Someone giggled behind a corner. Richard turned around. "I know that's you, Linsey." "What makes you think I'm Linsey?" The person stepped out from their hiding spot facing Richard with a smile. "How do you know I'm not Robin?" They asked then giggled. "Cause Robin isn't as crazy as you are." "Meanie." Linsey crossed her arms over her chest.

"So why have you been following me all day?" Richard asked taking a step towards Linsey. "I have my reasons." She smiled at Richard keeping her arms crossed across her chest.

"You looking for more gossip for you little rumors?" Richard asked taking another step forward. Lindsey stood her ground. "You mean your circus friends?" Lindsey giggled. "You could have been spared if you at least dated Hanna for a month." She sighed sadly.

"What did you just say about my friends?" Richard asked taking one more step towards Linsey. He was now towing over her glaring down at her. Lindsey only smiled back up not flinching one bit as his tall frame cast a shadow on her shorter one. "I called you and your friends a bunch of circus freaks."

"You better not talk shit about my friends again, you hear me?" Richard said angrily. Lindsey giggled. "Who said I was talking shit? Shit is disgusting." She continued to giggle.

"Because I know you're behind the rumors." Richard said. "Oh? And why wouldn't Hanna be?" Linsey asked playing dumb. "Because you probably told her, it's not the first time you've spied on me too." "Why do you think I was spying? Maybe I just like to watch you." "Because I know how you are, we all do. So just stop and leave us alone." Richard said angrily. "As I said, I didn't do anything." Linsey stood up on her tiptoes to get closer to Richard who was still towing over her.

"Screw you." Richard won't down at Linsey still taller than her. Richard started walking away, he didn't want to physically hurt anyone right now. "I thought you were gay?" linsey said then giggled walking the opposite way. Richard balled his hand into a fist.

When Richard spun around Linsey was gone, and in her place was another girl. "You helped her too, didn't you, Robin?" Richard said clenching his fist tighter, keeping his hands to his side.

"Who knows." Robin shrugs her shoulders. "But I do know I'm going to stop you from what your about to do." Sue says pointing at Richards's clenched hand. "She deserves it." He says clenching his fist tighter. "Does she?" "What?" Richard dares for Robin to say it again, but she doesn't. "Personally Robin, I don't have anything against you. Even tho I'm pretty sure you helped." Richard says as Robin just looks at him. "But if you get in my way, I'll see you and Linsey as the same." Richard ghreatamds.

Robin continues to look at Richard with a bored expression as Richard glares back at her. "I'm stopping you because what you were about to do would be considered assault. Then Linsey would be allowed to defend herself." Robin says pushing up her glasses. "Did you know she used to be a black belt in Karate?" Robin tilts her head. "What?" Richard askes confused why Robin was telling him this. "Of course you didn't." She shakes her head. "They don't want people to know because of how dangerous she was, and why she got kicked out. Can't believe I got kicked out just for being her sister." Robin mumbles the last part, but Richard could still hear it.

"And you're telling me this why?" Richard asked still confused. Robin turns around not answering and starts walking away in the direction her sister went earlier. "Hey." Richard yells after Robin. "You should get your hand checked out." She says before turning the corner. Richard looks down at his fist and opens it. There were a few nail marks on his hand with some blood sealing through.

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"You saw Robin too?" I ask Rochard, he nods his head. "I think she was watching us argue too." Richard pauses. "She's a strange one, isn't she?" "Huh?" "I mean, how she acts. She team's up with her sister all the time, but also does stuff behind her back, like warning me." "I guess that's just how she is." I shrug my shoulders.

We got back to eating lunch, but after a minute I remember something. "Hey, Richard?" I say getting Richards's attention. "Yeah?" "Thanks for telling me." "Nor problem." He says then takes another bite of his sandwich.

"I think I'm gonna text Karter now." I say pulling out my phone. "Karter has never been this late to lunch." "If Karter is sick, maybe they're just resting?" "If Karter is resting, then they can answer my text when they wake up."

- hey karter
- how are you
- didn't see you at school this morning
- u ok?

I hold my phone and stare at it. "See? Karter is just sleeping." Richard says going back to his sandwich. I show Richard my Phone. "If Karter is asleep how did they read this then?"

- hey karter
- how are you
- didn't see you at school this morning
- u ok?


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