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After last night I was kind of tired so I went to bed, feeling a bit embarrassed and bad about that day.

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I slowly open my eyes to see what time it was, 7:02. It was kind of early but not that much. I get up and sit at my desk deciding to check out my new phone.

It really was all set up, I even had a YouTube account to so I quickly subscribe to Grian and a few other YouTubers like Mumbo Jumbo. I've been waiting to do that for a while.

I'm not too sure what to get on my phone so I browse the app store before going back to YouTube I was in a somewhat learning mood so I watch some Mumbo Jumbo Redstone building videos.

I notice my phone getting low battery so I grab the charger and while plunging it in the bottom of my phone case popped off. Don't question it I've done it to my iPad before. But something falls to the floor out of my phone case.

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I casually walk downstairs with the thing in my back pocket. I was going to put it on the counter but Phil is already there drinking coffee. "Morning Alexa." "Good morning Phil." "Yoy an early bird to? It's already eight." "Yeah, I woke up at like seven." "Mhm." Phil hums.

I go to the can't and look for cereal and grab some. "You a chocolate fan?" Phil asked generating towards the chocolate cereal I'm holding. "U-uh yeah." "Cool, me too." I nod my head.

Phil sets a bowl and a spoon at the table for me. "Thank you." I whisper. "No problem. I sit down and pour myself a bowl of cereal and Phil holds up a gallon of milk. "Want some?" I nod my head. "Yes please." He hands it to me and I add it to my serial creating chocolate milk.

"Your making that look, good maybe I'll have some too." Phil grabs another bowl and spoon then sits next to me.

"Um." "Hm?" Phil askes. "I think you lost something." I take it out of my pocket and place it on the table between us. "I didn't take it, I just found it." I say quieter.

Phil looks at it then laughs. "Oh, it's not like that." He slides it back towards me. "It's yours." He smiles. "B-but it's too much. I couldn't possibly take it." I shake my head.

"We put it there for you." "H-huh?" "You can use it for whatever you want we don't mind." He smiles again. I was shocked by how nice he was being.

"T-thank you." I take it back then look away from him. "No problem." I could hear his smile. "You ok?" "Y-yeah, just surprised."

I hear walking then feel something soft on my skin, I open my eyes to see Phil in front of me wiping my tears. "Shh, it's ok." He tells me, that only makes me tear up more. "What's wrong?" He askes nicely. "N-nothing." I wipe my own tears away when he stands up.

I'm suddenly pulled into a hug. "It's not nothing if it's making you cry." "Y-your too nice." I mumble into his shirt hugging him back. "Yep, and you'll have to deal with us." He pats my head a bit. "P-please, never change." I look down. "Of course I won't."

"You still hungry?" I shake my head. "Want to watch some tv?" I nod my head. I was surprised when he picked me up and carried me over to the couch.

Later Kristin came out and saw us watching tv so she joined us. It was a bit weird to be cuddling some, but it felt right cuddling with Phil and Kristin.

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That day we just spent time at home watching some movies and playing board games. The next day we went out shopping cause apparently I needed more clothes, but after went to the park and got some ice cream. We got back from the par a few hours ago and are now eating dinner.

"So." Phil started. "You'll be going to a new school soon." "Oh cool, when?" "In two days on Monday." "That's part of why we went shopping today, and you needed more clothes." Kristen added.

"And we have to work tomorrow, so will you be ok by yourself tomorrow?" Phil asked. "Yep." I said. "I'll leave around nine and come back around four. It may be somewhat of a part-time job, but it still pays well." Kristen told me. "That's good."

"I'll mostly be here, except I have some work in my office." Phil said. "That's cool, I can just play Minecraft tomorrow and get ready for school." Phil and Kristin smiled at me. "Thanks." I smiled back.

.   .   .

"Here you go, Alexa!" I open the box to see an iPad. "An iPad? Thank you!" I'm so happy I couldn't help myself from hugging her.

"Get off me." She pushed me to the ground cracking my new iPad. "Look what you did, I just bought that for you and you already break it. Clumsy little girl." She starts walking towards me as I look up at her confused. "Wha-

"Ah!" I yell.

I franticly looked around the room. Where am I? It takes me a moment to register where I am. Oh right, I'm with Phil and Kristen now.

"Are you ok?" Kristen opens my door running over to me. "Y-yeah. Just a bad d-dream." "Your shaking." She pulls me into a hug. "Shh, it's ok, it was just a nightmare." I hug her back, grabbing the back of her shirt. Afraid that if u let go she would disappear.

I look up at her shocked and see her angry expression. "###?"

I shake that thought out of my head not wanting to remember. I know she's good. She didn't mean to.

Her angry expression turned into one of shock.


I'm brought out of my thoughts of Kristen's signing calming me down and making me feel sleepy.

"Hush little kitten, go to sleep.
Wake up tomorrow for a brand new day..."

"Today is over, so leave your worries behind.
Tomorrow will be a brand new day..."
"We can start again tomorrow.
Cause tomorrow is a brand new day..."
"So sleep little kitten, go to sleep.
Wake up tomorrow for a brand new day..."

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