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My bedroom. When you first walk in there was my bed against the wall pushed into the corner with the foot's end of the bed facing the door. To the left of my bed was a nightstand with a clock ok it, and the brace for Karter's foot resting against the bed. Next to the nightstand in the ground was a shirt little plastic garbage bin work no bag in it. Next to the garbage bin was a desk, a desk with my compiler on it, and a chair for it to. When you enter my room and you turn to the left there's a dresser three drawers tall and two wide holding a total of six drawers for my clothes. There was a built-in shelf above the dresser with some books on it. Next to the dresser was a full-length mirror. A little further down past the dresser was a closet built into the wall. The doors to the closet were lined up to the wall.

Against the far wall and closet doors, there was a mattress on the ground. That's where I was now. Sitting next to Karter on the mattress only a few inched off the floor with a carpet in the middle of the room.

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"Y-you had a nightmare too?" I asked Karter worried. They were helping me this whole time, and they just work up from a nightmare. "D-did you wet to talk about it?" I asked Karter, stuttering over a few words as I tried to keep myself tougher.

Karter shook their head. "What about yours?" They asked about my nightmare. I sighed. Maybe if I tell Karter about it they will tell me about their nightmare. "I-I don't like yelling." I started. "There were so many houses, they all yelled." A shiver ran through my spine as each house flashed through my kind for a split second. Karter rubbed a hand on my back. Not forcing me to say anything, instead of being there for me.

Of all the houses the does through my mind one stook. "My parents..." I whispered. Karter looked at me slightly confused. "My old ones." I told Karter letting them know it wasn't my actual current parents. "They always yelled, they yelled at me, but not as much as they yelled at each other. Except after dad-" I stopped talking as I was about to start cry in again.

Tears rolled down my face. Karter patted my back telling me I could let it out. I slightly shook my head and swallowed the cry. "Mom yelled at me fore after that." I finished up not wanting to talk about him. After that, I took some deep breaths to calm down. It did feel kind of good to talk about a nightmare, but it also upset me too much. Plus I'm still worried about Karter and their nightmare. One so frightening, it woke them up?

When I was calm Karter carefully moved their hand off my back. I watched as Karter scooted back and rested their head against the closet door behind them. They pulled their knees to their chest. "My parents also yelled," Karter said quietly. I scooted back and sat against the wall next to Karter, also pulling my knees to my chest. Karter glanced at me through the corner of their eye then looked forward into the darkness of the room.

"They argue with each other a lot too, mostly about whether I was a b-boy or a g-girl." Karter choked up a bit. Some tears started rolling down their eyes. I was going to speak up but Karter continued. "They also yelled at me. I-I had to choose, I-I didn't want to." Karter looked at me tears prolong down their face. "I don't want to."

I wrapped an arm around Karter's shoulder-rubbing it and started into their eyes. "You don't ever have to. Karter, they will always be my best friend. They are my no-gender friend." I talked to Karter as if I was talking to someone else about Karter. "Your parents can't make you choose." Karter's eyes widened slightly as more tears fell out. "Well always except you, me, the group, my parents, and whoever doesn't, I will personally beat them up." Karter smiled slightly. "J-just don't ruin your h-hands again." Karter said trying to smile at their joke, but still still crying.

I looked at my hands for a second. They were down to one layer of bandages. I could move them freely without much pain now. My parents just made me keep the bandaged on for now just in case. I looked back at Karter and smiled. "Id do it again for you." Karter smiled slightly again for a brief moment. "I'll also do it for you." "Not if I do it first." After that, it fell silent. Karter was looking straight forward into the darkness while I was looking at them. I was running their shoulder while some tears were still running down their eyes. Karter hiccuped every now and then trying to take deep breaths.

"Your lucky your parents don't argue." Karter said softly when they calmed down. I almost chuckled at that. "My first pair did." I said talking about my original parents. "And all the houses after that..." I chuckled lightly. "Phil and Kristen probably said, "What the least wanted kid?" and ended up with me." Karter looked over at me a little concerned. I quickly wiped the small amused smile off my face.

"There good tho. I'm glad they found me." I rested my head on my knees facing Karter, Karter did the same looking at me. "When Phil and Kristen argue, it's always jokingly, like over a game. It's never serious, and never involves yelling." Karter smiled at me and what I was saying. I smiled back thinking about my actual current parents. "They really do love each other." "They love you too." Karter said. I thought I saw a bit of jealousy in Karter's eyes for a second. "They love you too, and if they don't yet, then they will grow to love you. You're a loveable person." Karter's eyes widened slightly. They turned their head say from me and rested their face on their knees. Was Karter embarrassed? I giggled lightly.

We didn't say anything for some time. It was just me and Karter, Karter and I. It felt like we were in our own world, where time stood still for us. I guess we kind of were in our own world in a way, it was late at night while everyone else was asleep. But this night, when it was just the two of us. It felt like we were the only two around. Not in a scary way, it was in a comforting way. Just us two, no one else, no adults, nothing to worry about.

After a bit, Karter lifted there head and rested it on my shoulder letting out a yawn. "Tiered?" I asked then let out a yawn of my own. "No," Karter mumbled then let out another yawn. "You sure sound tired." "Can't go back to sleep," Karter whispered. Then it clicked on my head. Oh...

"Don't worry the nightmares won't come back." Since Karter's head was on my shoulder I rested my head on top of there's. "Thanks for waking me up from mine. I'm sorry you had to be woken io by your nightmare tho." I said sadly. "It's not your fault." Karter said also sad. I hummed. "I'm here now tho, so you won't gave another bad dream." I tried to reassure Karter. "Maybe." Karter said.

I tied over and fell down on my side. My head hit the pillow while facing the darkness of the room. Karter gasped as they fell to. Karter fell in front of me head all hitting the pillow, back facing me. I tapped Karter's shoulder. Karter role over and faced me. I grabbed the blanket on my bed and pull it over our shoulders. I grabbed Karter's hands and held our hands together in between us.

"I'm here now. So you won't have a bad dream, no more nightmares." Karter smiled slightly. They looked at our hands with droopy eyes. Then they looked into my eyes. I smiled back at them feeling my eyes getting heavy. Karter grabbed my hands back. "You won't have a bad dream either." Karter said drifting off. That made me smile even more. "Night Alex." Karter said closing their eyes. "Goodnight Karter." I said closing my eyes.

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