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They were all yelling, Ms. Ken, mom, even dad was yelling at them to stop. Dad yelling at them to stop is why it became so quiet. None of it was good yelling, it was all bad.

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"I called at least thirty times." The person says walking towards me. "You promised me you wouldn't go anywhere outside besides school!" The person grabs their hair and starts pulling at it. "So where we're you?! Speak up!" She says walking closer to me. Oh, it was my mother.

I caused them to worry about me...

They got mad because of that...

They yelled...



"You do nothing but eat all the food!"
"Useless child!"
"Stupid brat!"

"Why didn't you do it right?!"

"Don't talk like that!"

"Your studying! So why are you still failing?!"

"What did I say about calling me, mom?!"

"Be more like her!"

"Be happy! We give you everything you could possibly wish for!"

"You only got one pack of cigarettes?!"
"P-please s-stop it hurts."
"It's supposed to hurt!"

He held the red burning cigarette up to me.

This time there was only orange and red, the colors were moving around. "Honey?!" Someone yells. "Where are you?!" "Mommy?! Mommy!" A little girl yells who sounds closer. "Sweetie! Where's your father?!" The voice comes closer. "I don't know! Where are you?! I can't see!" "I'll come back to get you! I need to find your father first!" Then there's the sound of someone running away. "Wait, mommy! I can help!" The little girl cries out.

"You're the reason why he's gone!"

"Stop crying!"

"Stop yelling!"

"Shut up!"

Ms. Ken started yelling again. "Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?!"

"Shut up!"

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"Alex?" There was a little shake on my shoulders. I groaned feeling a headache. Someone sighed in front of me. "Glad your still awake." "Karter?" I asked opening my eyes and sitting up. "Where-?" "Your in your parent's bedroom." Karter told me placing a hand on my shoulder to keep me from sitting up

"How did I-?" Karter cut me off before I could finish asking my question. "Your mom carried you here." Karter told me knowing my question."Why-what happened-?" I asked not remembering everything. "You yelled at them to stop yelling. Then you kind of lost balance even tho you were sitting. Your mom carried you here." Karter tapped their chin. "I know they were trying to get Ms. Ken to leave, I think she's gone now." I nodded my head not questioning how Karter knew what I was goon to ask, or what I was making about. They just knew me well.

When Karter took their hand off me I fully sat up on my parent's bed and say Karter sitting next to me with their feet dangling if the edge of the bed. "And how are you?" I asked Karter remembering how they acted earlier before I yelled.

Karter shrugged their shoulders and replied. "Ok, I guess." I gave Karter a look knowing they were lying. Karter sighed and looked away from me. "I can't help but feel like I caused it..." I could just barely hear Karter mumble. I scooted on the bed to sit next to Karter also dangling my feet off my parent's bed. "But you didn't," I said looking at them sadly.

Karter looked at me for a second then looked away again. "Se was here because of me. I went to her for help with my injuries. She said she going to tell the principal you skipped school-" "Karter." I said cutting them off. Karter looked at me with worry in their eyes.

"Who cares if I miss one day of school?" I said expanding my arms out for exaggeration. "I'm sure the principal would understand." Karter's face seemed to shift from worry to understanding. "Besides who would want to stay at that school?" Now Karter looked confused.

"My parents were trying to get you to change schools with me." "I know," Karter mumbled looking down at their hands in their lap and playing with them. "Is that what that was..?" I asked trailing off. Karter didn't say anything instead they shrugged their shoulder.

I pulled Karter into me and rested their head on my shoulder. "It's alright now." I whispered to them. "At least now you can change schools with me." I tried to lighten the mood but was happy Karter could finally change schools now. I saw a smile appear on Karter's face, it made me happy and smile too.

Just then there was a light knock on the door. I lifted my head and looked at the door just in time to see dad coming in. "Are you ok?" He asked when he first saw me. "Right, well how are you now?" He collected his words. "Alright." I shrugged my shoulders, not too much tho since I had Karter's head resting on my shoulder.

Dad came over and sat on the other side of me. "We got her to leave, Ms. Ken." He said. I hummed signaling that I heard him. After another brief moment, the door creaked opened and someone else walled in. "Sorry about earlier." My mom replied standing in the doorway.

"That's alright." I told her. "You were just protecting us." I sent her a small smile. Dad patted the empty spot next to him. Mom came over and sat down next to him.

I sighed it felt like I was being prepared into saying it. I played with Karter's hair a bit, they didn't seem to mind. After I played with Karter's hair for a bit I finally spoke up.

"I just don't like when people yell in bad ways..." I started quietly talking. "What sort of bad way?" Dad asked looking at me worried. I looked away from him feeling nervous. Karter lifted there head off my shoulder to look at my face. I saw their face again and knew I had to say something.

I looked down at my socks finding the blue tie-die on them interesting. "Like arguing, or when people scream at you cause they're mad... I don't mind happy yelling like when someone is excited." I took a moment to pause and think of my next words carefully. "I used to hear it a lot, the bad yelling. I just haven't heard it like that in some time. It just startled me was all." I finally finished. I said it. It's over now.

"I'm not a fan of when people yell in arguments either." Karter said quietly. I looked up at Karter and they looked at me with a knowing look. I nodded. "Yeah, let's hope we never argue like that." I joked. Karter smiled. "I wouldn't be the one starting it." "Arnt you starting it now?" I joked. "You started it." Karter joked back. We smiled at each other feeling a bit better.

"Thanks for telling us, Alex." Dad said ruffling my hair a bit. I looked over to my right where dad was sitting with mom next to him. "I know you guys won't argue like that." I smiled at them. They really loved each other. "Just maybe, warn me next time? So I could leave the room or something?" I suggested feeling my nerves come back. "Of course, we will." Mom stood up and walked in front of me. "Thanks for telling me." She pulled me up to my feet into a hug. "You are my brave son." "I wanted to say that." I heard dad say before joining the hug.

Karter came to my left side and hugged me too. They didn't really hug my parents, probably because their bot used to them yet, but I'm just glad they joined the hug. This makes me feel like I can tell them more one day. Preferably on my own time.

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