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Shortly after what just happened Mr. John left saying he would see Phil and Kristan tomorrow. Why would he see them tomorrow? Anyway, Kristan and Phil said they had a surprise for me so I had to sit at the table and cover my eyes.

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I now sat at the table with my eyes closed. "Can I open my eyes yet?" I ask. "Not yet!" I hear Kristan yell from the kitchen. "Almost done!" Phil yells from the office. I wonder what surprise they have for me...

I hear footsteps walk back over to the table
Than the sound of things being placed on the table. "Ok open them!" Phil and Kristan both say happily. I open my eyes and see a cake in front of me. I stand up to read the words on the cake, "Congratulations! It's a Boy!" It said in blue letters. "That was the closest one we could find, and it was kind of last-minute..." Phil said. "So, surprise?" Kristen said. I looked up at them and smiled happily. "Thank you!"

"No, thank you, for staying." Kristen said. "No, thank you, you took me in." I said. "Ok, we're all thankful to have each other." Phil said stopping us. Me and Kristan nodded agreeing with him.

"Also." Phil took something out from under the table and placed it next to the cake. "This is for you." He said. It was a cardboard box and there was a little white space from where a sticker had been placed. "A package?" I asked confused. "Open it!" Kristen said excitedly. "Ok..."

It took me a minute to remove the tape keeping the cardboard box closed. "I'm going to open it." I said looking at Kristan and Phil who were still seated in front of me while I stood up to open the box. The nodded. "Go ahead." I folded one flap of the box open and froze. It can't be... I quickly opened the other side and took the item out of the box. It is...

I teared up. "Thank you." I said hugging it to my chest. "You deserve it." Phil smiled at me. "Try it on." Kristen also smiled. I nodded and ran up the stairs to my room.

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"You ok?" Kristen asked knocking on my door. "Yep!" I grunted having some trouble. "Need any help?" "Nope!" I grunted before getting it on.

I turned and looked in the full-body mirror. It was me... That's me... I started to tear up again. I have to go show them! I have to thank them!

I ran back downstairs where Kristan and Phil were cutting the cake at the table. Phil placed down the knife looking at me. "There he is." Kristen placed down the plates and looked at me. "Looks good." She smiled. I ran up to them and hugged them both. "Thank you." I said a few tears dripping from my eyes. "No problem." Kristen hugged back. "Anything for my son." Phil said also hugging back.

We broke the hug and sat at the table to eat the cake. "Does it fit ok?" Kristen asked looking at me worldly. "Not too tight?" "Nope!" I showed a huge grin. "But how did you know-?" "I just went through some of your clothes." Kristen said. "So I'm glad it fits." I nodded my head. "Thanks." "No problem." She said.

I looked over at Phil who was looking at me seriously. "Don't wear it any longer than eight hours, got it?" He said sternly. "Or it can, and will, damage you, and your lungs." He said his eyes turning from seriousness to soft. "Please? I don't want to have to take it away from you." He said with sad eyes. "Don't worry I won't!" I said. He seemed a bit skeptical but went back to eating his cake.

"We will see Mr. John tomorrow he has the papers." Kristen said. "That soon?" I asked. "Yeah, apparently he's been saving the papers?" "Oh, I heard him say something similar." Phil said. "He told me we wouldn't have to wait long because he had a gut feeling." "He knew you were good people." I smiled. "So he will have the adoption papers ready tomorrow?" I asked. Kristen nodded. "Apparently." "That's so soon." I said. "Are you ready for it?" Phil asked me. I nodded my head. "Yes."

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After we ate the cake I gave Phil and Kristan another hug. "Thank you again." I said. Kristen giggled. "No need to keep thanking us." I stepped back. "But I'm so happy!" I yelled putting my hands out. "First I find out you guys are adopting me!" I tell pulling my hands down them opening them fast again. "Than you give me this binder!" I put my hands down then stood them up in the air and yell. "Best day ever!"

Phil chuckles. "It's not over yet." I place my arms down and stare at him confused. "Tomorrow is going to be fun too." He smiles at me. "Wha-?" "But first came with us." Phil said walking overtop his office. Kristen nods. "Don't you want to share your excitement?"

Wait... "I can talk to your other family?" I asked walking up to Phil. Phil cringes. "You're my family too, son." He ruffles my hair. "Then what about the sleepy boys?" I ask. "Thays just a public thing." Phil sighs. "But privately, your part of that family." I hug Phil again. "Thanks." I mumbled into his shirt. Phil chuckles. "No need to keep thanking us, your our son after all." He pats my head. "Still..." I say.

"Phil?" Kristen calls. "They're done, and they're ready." Phil nods and I key go of him. "Do you want to talk to them?" He askes looking down at me. I nod my head and look up at him. "Yeah." I smile. "I kind of missed them."

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