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I refused to let anyone take Jamie from me. But since I was too weak I only let Richard carry her away. I had to grab onto the back of his shirt to follow him since my eyesight was too clouded by my tears.

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When we got to the nurse's office Richard laid Jamie down on a bed. I sat next to Jamie even when the nurse came over and told me to move. But I eventually got dragged out of the room by Richard. We sat in the hallway right outside the nurse's office eating lunch next to each other in silence.

When I went through my lunch I found four cookies with a note Kristan snuck into my lunch. The note read "one for you and Richard, two for Jamie ;)". But Jamie can't eat her cookies... I shoved the cookies into my backpack and slowly ate my sandwich instead.

I think we got a few looks from people because when I glanced at Richard I saw him glaring at anyone who dared to look at us.
when I glanced at Richard again he saw me and smiled. "Jamie is going to be ok." Richard told me. But when he smiled I saw his smile waver. I wasn't so sure. After all, he's the one that got a clear look. I could only see clearly again when we left the nurse's office. Even tho I didn't believe Richard and he knew it, I still mustered up a smile and nodded my head.

Richard closed his lunch. "Well, I'm done eating. He stood up and walked to the door, I watched his every step. "Don't worry, I'm just going to check on them since I finished eating. You should finish eating too." Richard said then went into the nurse's office.

I looked down at my lunch with only a quarter of a sandwich missing. Yeah, not hungry. I put my lunch away and stood up. I was about to open the door to the nurse's office when I heard, yelling? I opened the door a crack so I could hear better.

"She clearly needs to be transported somewhere else!" Richard? "How would you know? You're not a nurse." The nurse? "Are you homophobic or something?" "What?! No!" "Then give her to someone who's qualified!" "I am qualified! And I know what I'm doing!" "Then why is she still bleeding?!" What? I opened the door open another crack, and turned my head, and saw Jamie laying on a bed. Where ate the bandages? She was hurt! "Fine, I'll call a hospital myself then!" Hospital?

I barged into the room. "What's wrong?!" I said gaining the attention of Richard and the nurse who were shocked. "Jamie?" I ask no one running next to her bed.

There really wasn't any bandage on her head, and there was still some blood coming out. "Fix her!" I snap back at the nurse. "Thays what I'm doing." The nurse said. I grab a wet cloth on the table next to Jamie and put it on her head. "Hurry Richard!" I tell at Richard snapping him out of shock. "Call the-!" "-Hospital, got it!" Richard says running to the phone on the nurse's desk. "Wait you can't!" The nurse tries to stop him. "Make me." Richard glares at the nurse who backs away.

The nurse walks over to me with a roll of bandages. "Here let me." She says. I hesitantly lift the cloth to let Jamie's head be wrapped up. "They're on the way." Richard says walking over to me and Jamie. "Only one person can ride in an ambulance with Jamie. So you should call one of your parents and let them know where you are."

"How Jamie? I heard she was hurt!" Someone runs into the room. "I suggest you leave." Richard says walking up to her. "Why? Jamie is my friend." I angrily storm over to the girl who quickly backs away. "Hey, no fighting in here! I'm busy with one kid right now!" The nurse called over at us.

"You're the reason Jamie is like this." I get in the girl's face. "You're the reason for the rumors. The reason why we got bullied. The reason why Jamie was hurt, cause of your stupid rumors! You Hanna, are the reason why Jamie is going to the fucking hospital!" I spit in Hanna's face.

"I-I don't want her to get hurt." Hanna sniffs. "Oh please, cute me the bullshit." I raise my hand. "Maybe you should know what it feels like."

Richard grabs my wrist stopping me. "Don't." He says. "You should leave." He gared at Hanna who nods and scurried out of the room. Richard let goes of my wrist and grabs both of my shoulders shaking me. "This isn't you, snap out of it."

I sigh. "Thanks..." I mumble. "It's ok." Richard tell me. "I should go call my dad..." I walk over to the phone dialing in his number.

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A girl leaves a room smiling to herself. "She actually did get hurt." She mumbled to herself. "That's karma for her, I hope she learned her lesson.

A boy walked up to the girl. "I did what you told me to." He says with a wavering voice. "So please, keep your promise?" He askes.

The girl smiles at him. "Oh don't worry, I'll keep my promise for now." The girl walks away. "Until I need you again." She giggles to herself.

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I'm sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. Then all of a sudden Phil runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug. "D-dad?" "Alex, I'm glad you're ok.." He says holding me tight. "But Jamie isn't." I hug him back and cry into his shoulder. "Shh, it's ok, she will get better."

"Jamie Rivera. We're looking for Jamie Rivera's parents." A doctor calls out. Phil breaks our hug and makes me sit back down then goes up to the doctor. "Her parents aren't here yet, but I'm a father of her best friend, what do you need?" Phil asked the doctor. "Please come with me, we need to talk." The doctor tells Phil.

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